Wednesday 16 November 2011

7 Fast Weight Loss Tips To Speed Up Metabolism

These fast weight loss tips will help you to drop a lot of extra pounds, if you need to lose quite a bit of weight. These 7 fast weight loss tips will also help you, if you are already in decent physical condition, to sculpt your body to an even greater degree.

Any weight loss tips to help speed up metabolism do just that. They help you. You still must have your overall fitness and nutrition plan in line with the goals you want to achieve.

You need to be focused on each aspect of your plan. If you expect to use these fast weight loss tips but don't exercise and just watch television eating a bag of chips every night, they won't do a thing for you.

Are you ready to add these fast weight loss tips to your lifestyle?

In order to get rid of any amount of excess weight, you must speed up metabolism. Your metabolism is a biochemical process that occurs in your body.

Your metabolism helps to break down nutrients in your bloodstream. This helps you to add more lean muscle, resulting in a greater expenditure of energy, meaning you'll get rid of more fat.

You have billions of cells in your body that can use up an enormous amount of energy if you are active. The fast weight loss tips listed below will help you do this. However, if you aren't active they won't burn up much at all, meaning you'll have a tendency to easily add fat to your body.

Thankfully, using the fast weight loss tips in conjunction with your healthy and active lifestyle you can speed up your metabolism quite noticeably.

Fast weight loss tips: #1. Eat specific foods. A number of food additives, like spices, can help to speed up your metabolism by creating a thermodynamic burn that has been shown to last a few hours after you eat.

Fast weight loss tips: #2. Time your meals. The majority of your calories should be earlier in the day. Your meals should contain less total calories as the day goes on. Try to eat little or preferably nothing at all after your evening meal. Don't skip any meals. You should be eating 4 - 6 meals each day.

Fast weight loss tips: #3. Make sure you eat enough. One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is they don't eat enough.

If you don't consume the proper amount of calories you will send your body into what is known as a survival mode. This happens when your body does not have enough calories, so it conserves energy to prepare for possible starvation.

On the opposite side of this, is if you eat too many calories the excess will be stored as fat. You need to exercise in order to burn more calories than you eat. Therefore, moderation is the key when it comes to calorie intake.

Fast weight loss tips: #4. Increase your daily activities. To prevent fat storage and to drop any excess that you might be carrying you must increase your daily activities.

This needs to include weight training and cardiovascular training. The more calories you burn, the faster you will lose weight. It's that simple. An increase in lean muscle mass results in a dramatic increase in fat burning.

One more thing; try to exercise first thing in the morning. Research has shown that you can dramatically increase your fat burning ability if you exercise after a fasted state. Meaning just after you wake up.

Fast weight loss tips: #5. Do weight lifting before doing any cardiovascular work. The only exception of course is to perform 5 - 10 minutes of cardio before your weight training in order to warm up your muscles.

This is important because you need the energy in your muscles for weight training. By the time your weight training session is complete you will have used up all of your preferred energy sources.

This means that you will actually be burning fat cells during your cardio session.

Here's what happens if you do this in reverse.

First, you will only be burning carbohydrate sources of energy during your cardiovascular workout. No fat cells will be used up for energy. Next, you will not have the energy in your muscles in order to get the most out of your weight training.

You will not be able to increase your lean muscle, which is very important if you want to lose your excess weight.

Fast weight loss tips: #6. Change up your exercise routine on a regular basis. For the most part you should change some aspect of your workout every 2 - 3 weeks. This can be anything from the number of reps or sets per exercise. The exercise order you perform and the exercises themselves.

If you do the same thing week after week, month after month your body will start to get used to what you're doing to it and will eventually stop making changes. You will also stop adding any more lean muscle.

The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn even when at rest.

Fast weight loss tips: #7. Meal combinations. Always eat protein / carbohydrate meals earlier in the day. Eat protein / fat combination meals (meaning little to no carbohydrates) in the late afternoon and evening.

The only exception is if you normally exercise in the evening. Then your first meal after your workout should consist of protein and carbohydrates.

Never eat carbohydrates and fat together in the same meal.

With these seven fast weight loss tips you will speed up metabolism and burn excess body fat at a much faster rate.

Try these fast weight loss tips out for a while and you'll notice a difference after a couple of weeks.

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Is Natural Weight Loss Really Possible?

Natural Weight Loss Is Permanent

Only natural weight loss can be permanent. Going on diets and taking weight loss pills to eliminate food cravings is only temporary and leads to obesity.

Not only is natural weight loss safe, but you'll eliminate food cravings without taking weight loss pills.

Most weight loss systems are not natural, and that's why the "failure rate" is over 98%.

There are no diets whatsoever, which lead to natural weight loss, because every single diet slows down your metabolism, which means that when you go off the diet, you will eventually gain back more weight than you lost.

How many people do you know, who actually kept it off?

So, dieting is just not an option, if you want to keep the weight off for good.

Weight Loss Pills

Most weight loss pills or diet pills are nothing more than appetite suppressants, which help to take away food cravings so that you don't eat, or don't eat as much.

So in reality, what you've done by taking weight loss pills, is actually putting yourself on a very drastic starvation diet, during which your body is getting progressively more starved for nutrition, and also...

Your metabolism will slow down to a crawl, and that's your guarantee that when you go off the weight loss pills, you are going to blow up like a balloon, and eventually gain all the weight back, plus a few extra pounds as a bonus.

Food Supplements

Taking a safe and healthy food supplement that your body can absorb, can really enhance a good natural weight loss program, because the extra nutrition will help your body to become more nutritionally satisfied.

This will help to eliminate food cravings without taking weight loss pills. Cutting back on food cravings by becoming more nutritionally satisfied, means that...

You won't slow down your metabolism, and you won't have the same problem with regaining the weight.

The problem however...

Is that most food supplements are not absorbed very well by your body. When you take a Vitamin and Mineral supplement for example, most people are only able to absorb between 4 to 5%, so it's a total waste of money, plus...

If you are not absorbing the supplement, it will definitely not help to eliminate food cravings, so you're no further ahead.

In the Slim America Weight-Loss Project, we only recommend natural food supplements which are fully absorbed by the body. As a result, these totally safe food supplements really help to enhance and speed up our natural weight-loss program, and also...

Not only are food cravings greatly reduced, but our students are reporting lots of extra energy, more stamina, and are finding it much easier to stay away from junk foods which provide very little nutrition, but really help to put on the pounds.

Exercise for Natural Weight Loss

Proper exercise is an essential ingredient in any natural weight-loss program, because there is no way that the weight loss will be permanent without exercise, and that's a fact.

But here's the problem...

Over 95% of all the weight loss exercises, that people do in order to burn off fat, actually burn almost no fat whatsoever. Most of these exercises burn almost exclusively sugar, and that's why it's so hard to get rid of the fat.

For most people who are overweight, especially if you're obese, doing all the normal weight loss exercises like running, swimming, playing sports, using all the fancy exercise equipment in gyms, weight lifting etc., are practically useless for getting rid of fat.

Most of these exercises are very hard to do, require a lot of work, and a lot of sweating, for very little results. For sure, if you stick to it long enough it will certainly help, however...

The results are so minimal for most people that 99% of people will give up long before achieving any realistic results.

In the Slim America Weight-Loss Project, we only recommend walking for weight loss, however just normal walking is not very effective either.

In the Slim America Project, we actually teach 10 secrets about walking, which not only help to turn walking into a very effective fat burner, but more importantly, also helps to rebuild your metabolism.

Walking for weight loss has to be part of any natural weight loss system because it helps to turn your body into an effective fat burning machine, which will cause you to burn more fat during the whole day.

Complete Natural Weight Loss

Only a complete and natural weight loss system which is totally safe, without the use of weight-loss pills to eliminate food cravings, and which includes a good walking program will result in permanent weight loss...

And also...

You don't have to become a "health nut", to succeed!

Have a Great Life

Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for 5 Decades.

Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent and “free” Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site.

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Lose Body Fat With Weight Loss Psychology

Almost anybody can lose weight. Yet, the fact is, winners remain the minority and failure resides with the majority. In fact, weight loss success rates remain so extremely rare that many individuals hardly ever even bother to attempt losing weight at all.

Of those who do try to lose unwanted body fat, the number of successful candidates remains low. Yet, almost anybody can lose weight IF and only WHEN she or he remains armed with the proper

For example, you can get much assistance even from the fact that weight loss entails a myriad of factors. And, for your success, such weight loss factors must indeed include:

Weight loss awareness;
The basic understanding of physical body fat adaptation (that is, how your body reacts and responds to diet, exercise, and your very own thought patterns); plus Ongoing accumulation of accredited weight knowledge.

This weight loss reading helps you accomplish three things:

Discerning the weight loss definition.

Handling the physical body fat attack.

Realizing the gigantic impact of weight loss psychology.

Textbook Weight Loss Definition

The textbook definition of losing Weight entails using up calories BEYOND what you normally expend. Thousands of people hold misrepresented or misshapen ideas about what weight loss comprises. For example, an all too common weight loss mistake that's easy for you to make is failing to move outside of your comfort zone.

The greatest difference between mere physical activation and exercise itself is this:

Physical activity includes virtually ANYTHING you might do... watching TV, cooking dinner, sewing, going to the movies, talking on the phone, taking a shower, etc. However, basically none of the
above burn the significant calorie amounts needed to lose body fat.

The definition of overall FITNESS carries with it the concept of change. Consider burning body fat as a way of making your body change. When you burn body fat successfully, you also achieve a much higher fitness level.

Would you like to briefly explore why the above weight loss fitness fact is true? Okay, here's the quick explanation...

Intensive Movement Willpower - Your Body Fat Removal Key

Almost any physical activity practiced thirty to forty-five minutes per day is beneficial to health but provides little or no contribution to fitness progress. The reason is that the activity level itself remains too low. Although low-intensity exercises are beneficial enough to merely avoid sickness, they fail to reach the metabolic goal necessary to remove unwanted fat.

You need an energy output of about 500 calories each day to lose approximately one pound of fat per week. That's because one pound of fat, in one sense, "weighs" 3,500 calories.

So, look at this weight loss body fat fact again... if you desire to lose one pound of fat, you merely need to expend 500 calories per day for one week. That's it.

Sounds so simple, direct, and straightforward, right? And, the method truly is a clear one. Yet, why do so many find this difficult to do? The answer to that lies in the realm of psychological versus physiological weight loss development.


How Weight Loss Calorie Management Occurs

Your weight loss APPROACH may be almost the total opposite of your body's fat management ADAPTATION. There is a great distinction between these two. In order to affect fat loss changes, be sure you know the difference.

The reason why your body requires intense PHYSICAL action follows.

About Adipose Tissue (the scientific name that includes the place where excess body fat gets stored)...

Adipose tissue has to move through about 7 channels before you can transform it to "in-use," non-fat-structured energy. In stages one and two, you simply have to move slightly more quickly to stimulate
chemical body fat changes.

Then, stages three through seven require lots of oxygen uptake - deeper and more consistent breathing. Such breathing pattens most easily come to you as a result of aerobic actions like rowing, running, brisk or fast walking, swimming, bicycling, skating, dancing, etc.

In the presence of oxygen, certain acids in your body combine with glucose and move finally enable themselves (with your physical activity helping) to move them into your "fat-burning chamber,"
a/k/a the mitochondria.

After burning in your mitochondria, you literally see the by-products of weight loss, which are sweating, exhaled air, and heat. Rest assured that after each and effectively every such experience, you lose enough calories to affect weight loss achievement.

Therefore, the bottom line on the physical side of weight loss is this - move hard enough to cause constant and deep breathing without fatigue... and simply keep moving for as long as possible.
FYI: The average adult heart rate associated with such body fat achievement is around 119 beats per minute. (It can be lower or higher, depending on your conditioning.)

Yet, you can still fail at losing weight unless you COUPLE your physical attack with a meaningful, personalized understanding of weight loss PSYCHOLOGY.


(Thought Patterns, Processing, And Awareness)

The Impact of Body Fat Knowledge and Attitude On Weight Loss Outcome

Ever stop to consider your human psychology weight loss perspectives?

For example, what does weight loss represent for you? Is it a matter of eating foods you love or hate? Is losing body fat motivated by a need for social change? Do you want to lose weight in order to feel better, look better, or perform better?

All of the above, or none of the above - it's up to you. Every person has his or her own personalized drive or rationale for achieving weight loss rewards.

Yet, regardless of your motivation in the above, there are primary body fat percentage challenges you are likely to face. These include:


Lack of Know-How

Fear of Being Seen

Lack of Motivation

Lack of Patience

Know this for yourself - People who lose weight and keep it off with self-sufficiency, confident, and control - these individuals practice consistently. Conscious repetition is key in primary sport

Practice and upgrade your ability to REPEAT a beneficial, intellectual, weight loss action.

This is, in short, mind control... training yourself and acquiring specific, outstandingly helpful skill in: a) creating a weight loss target; b) aiming at your specified body fat target; and c) hitting that fat-loss target almost each and every time.

These are powers of the mind, and the physical weight loss rewards merely follow your mental directive.

No one can say enough to stress the importance of weight loss psychology awareness and utilization. Without it you stand half-clothed in the inclement weather of weight loss endeavor.

Weight loss psychology principles can go as deep as cognitive method, stimulus control, or behavior substitution. Yet, keeping it on the surface is enough for you to lose weight. Go with small increments; establish very short-term goals that are within easy reach. For example, do you know that losing just 10% of your present body weight is an accredited, acceptable, easily measurable and achievable fat loss goal?

When you look at this weight loss number, you can see that it equals about 1 or two pounds of fat loss per week. One to two ponds per week of weight loss from body fat sources only is the amount sanctioned by the American Council On Exercise, the American Heart Association, and The American College of Sports Medicine.

This simplified and easily reachable weight loss prescription exists for your benefit. Use it. Also, be sure, from this point forward, not to negate the power of weight loss psychology. Couple it with your body fat performance approaches.

In conclusion, this entire reading serves merely as an example of how you can set your mind to lose weight with more effectiveness, enjoyment, and success.

Avoid underestimating weight loss psychology.

The primary missing ingredients to your body's fat loss success lie here. Uncover them, use them, benefit from them, and achieve continued enjoyment, less stress, improved performance, a nicer looking physique, and a much better body.

Kenneth G. Dockins, http://www.Better-Body.Biz/sitemap.htm [http://www.Better-Body.Biz/Articles/article-lose-body-fat-with-weight-loss-psychology.htm], is an American Council On Exercise Certified Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant with 17-year diet, exercise, fitness, health, nutrition, and weight management expertise.

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