Saturday 13 September 2008

Are You Desperate To Lose Weight Quickly?

If you are desperate for rapid weight loss, you are going to benefit from some timely diet advice and exercise tips. Just what do you mean by your claim of desperation? Do you feel you've tried everything and absolutely nothing works no matter how much effort you put into it? Do you have no idea where to turn next? Are you totally frustrated with not being able to lose weight quickly?

Look are you really, truly desperate to lose weight? Are you sure you are not just giving lip service to idle wishful thinking while clutching a family sized chocolate bar in your greedy paws? If you are really at the point of being prepared to put in the effort to lose your excess kilos and are not just whining pitifully, then you will be surprised at how well you will do with a little sustained effort and determination to succeed.

But without some concerted effort and determination, you are never going to convince me or anyone else that you are desperate to lose weight, let alone the most important person in the world - you!

So. Desperate? Determined? Ready to put in a bit of an effort?

Let's just go back one little step and reflect on where you are at the moment.

How much weight do you need to lose to be in the healthy weight range for your height and bone density (are you fine, medium or heavy boned?) At the rate of 2-3 kilograms per calendar month, how long is it going to take you to lose that weight? By the way, if you go at it at this steady rate, you are highly likely to keep off your excess weight forever.

Now, your mathematical calculations may not equate to what you believe should be rapid weight loss, but it will be a heck of a lot quicker and more permanent than another crash diet or worse still, inaction on your part.

The diet advice that you need to take heed of if you are desperate to lose weight is this

1. Cease your habit of eating food that is bad for you. Saturated fats should make up no more than 10% of your daily food intake. That translates to, give up eating deep fried rubbish. It's only fat and salt when you really analyse it. Your body doesn't need it and after a few short weeks, your mind will stop craving it.

If you can ban french fries from your life you will have made a huge stride towards permanent weight loss and better health forever.

While you are at it, cut down your simple carbs. Highly processed sugary treats need to be occasional treats, not 3 times a day diet basics. Have a piece of cake as part of your once-a-week cheat meal if cake is what you like. Look forward to it and savour it. If you are desperate to lose weight, you can make this "sacrifice".

2. Don't eat so much all at once. Rather than gorging till you're tip top full on 2 to 3 big meals a day plus an evening treat, re-organise the food in your day so that you have breakfast every single day of your life and a decent lunch, with good snacks in between.

Cut down your night time portions - your body does not need to or want to sleep on a full stomach. (While you are asleep, your cunning body will stockpile the food from your stomach to the fat deposits on your hips, thighs and waist. Stay awake and watch it if you don't believe me.)

3. Get some regular exercise. Honestly, what else would you be doing in that precious hour of exercise-for-me time? Squeezing in one more hour of listless work, watching an hour of brain dead television, eating mindlessly cause you're bored?

Get out there and get some alert enjoyment into your life. Make those endorphins pump for you. You'll love it once you've made a habit out of it.

Now all that doesn't sound too severe in the cold light of day, does it? Eat better, eat less and get some regular exercise. If you take this basic diet advice, your excess weight will drop off steadily.

Be calm and calculating. Drop the desperate mind set to lose weight quickly and permanent weight loss will be yours.

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Diet Advice - How To Lose Weight Tips

We all search for the magic formula for how to lose weight. Tips are given, attempted short term or rejected out of hand and the weight stays on. The frustration lingers.

If you are ready to take quality diet advice on how to lose weight fast or even slowly, you have to give the diet and exercise tips you are offered a chance to succeed.

This means you have to put some time and effort into how to lose weight. Tips are useless if they are ignored or not followed correctly. weight loss is simple, but you have to really want it.

Many many overweight people get into the habit of complaining bitterly that they have tried everything and still cannot lose weight. They find themselves desperate to lose weight. The panic and stress is palpable.

So, my first piece of priceless diet advice is - stop panicking. It does not help. Panic and self made stress actually create a situation whereby you are more likely to be in a "make or break" mode of operation and are doomed to fat loss failure.

You choose to panic. Notice how panic has not worked for you? That it just gets you stirred up and cranky and frustrated? Yes?

That's because panic is an exhausting fight/flight emotion that stops your brain from being logical about your fat fueled problem.

Now choose to stop panicking and think. Let's be logical about this.

Weight gain creeps up as thigh and hip and belly fat. It is layered on slowly and relentlessly till eventually we notice we're fat. This fat gain does not happen from one day to the next.

We can't possibly expect excess body fat to melt off in a few short days when it took so long to pack it on. But we do expect this miracle falling off of the fat layers and when it doesn't happen virtually overnight, we panic.

If you are prepared to suspend your panic and frustration as well as your thoroughly modern need for instant gratification, here are some great how to lose weight tips.

1. Make an eating and exercise plan that can work and that you can be happy to commit to. In order to do this effectively, you have to become as informed as possible about healthy diet and effective exercise programs.

2. Give yourself a reasonable time in which to complete your weight loss. Aim for a target within your healthy weight range and aim to lose around 1/3 to 1/2 kilogram per week. While you may not consider this to be how to lose weight fast, it's a lot faster and more permanent weight loss than what you are doing now, isn't it?

3. Be strict with yourself, but also forgiving. You have to commit to these how to lose weight tips in order for them to work. If you make a show of being on a diet and fibbing to yourself about the frequency and intensity of your exercise, then you will never lose weight, no matter how much you moan about it.

Work a cheat meal into your weight loss program. Not a double fistful of salted peanuts every few hours that your brain conveniently forgets about, but a totally planned for and acceptable cheat meal once a week that you can enjoy with relish but without guilt.

So my exercise and diet advice to you is that you make a plan to eat right and exercise regularly, allot yourself the considerable time that this life changing enterprise deserves and make a commitment to achieving your goals.

These how to lose weight tips will work well for you if you are prepared to accept them.

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Walking For Weight Loss, The Right Way To Acieve It

Walking for weight loss, how do you burn the calories?

Basically, 2 things influence the amount of calories you burn, namely:

Your weight X distance.

This equals to energy (calories) used up in walking.

Notice that time doesn't matter as much as distance.

This would be good for a beginner walker since your first priority is to get this right - increasing the distance before increasing the speed.

Speed (and time) can come later.

Build up your distance so you've the sustained stamina to walk more miles. The calories you burn with the extra few minutes of walking would make a difference to your weight loss goal.

Hence, the best way for you to burn more calories is to walk longer distance. Try to walk 20 miles per week.

How Fast To Walk To burn fat?

You've built up distance (20 miles per week); now is how fast to walk to achieve fat-burning.

Try race walking, walk as if you're in a race.

If you walk racewalk style at a rate of 1 mile in 13 minutes or less, you'll burn more calories per mile.

For more results, I recommend you work on both speed and duration.

Basically, you start to walk with an easy warm-up pace for 5-10 minutes.

Then, begin your walking "workout" by walking at fast speed, at a pace where you would be breathing harder but still could carry on a conversation. This would also get your heart rate up to 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.

Walk at this speed which is the fat-burning pace for 30 minutes at a time once you've built up to that duration.

How To Walk Faster?

You know how to walk at a fat-burning speed to burn calories.

Do you want to walk even faster?

Just kick up your speed further in your race walk style at a speed of walking 1 mile in 13 minutes or less. You would be burning even more calories per mile this way as you would be increasing the intensity of your walking.

When you walk fast, you burn about 5 calories per minute or about 150 calories in a 30-minute session.

Walk How Often ? For How Long?

For weight loss, walk most days of the week i.e. 5-6 times per week, for 30 - 60 minutes per session.

Average time spent walking per week should be 5-10 hours.

On your non-walking days, strength train to increase musclemass, to spike up higher your metabolism, to burn off calories.

Exactly How Many Calories You Burn Walking For 30 Minutes?

Here's the stats for you:

a. If you walk slowly on a flat surface, you'll burn about 90 calories

b. If you walk at a slow to moderate pace on a flat surface, you'll burn about 105 calories

c. If you walk at a brisk to very brisk pace on a flat surface, you'll burn about 120 calories

d. If you walk racewalk style on a flat surface, you'll burn about 135 calories

e. If you walk uphill at a brisk pace, you'll burn about 180 calories

Note: Stats above are based on a 135-lb person

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Effecticve Diet Pills For Weight Loss Treatment

Diet pills are like anchors to help you keep up with the demanding pressures of dieting and exercising. Diet pills fasten the weight loss process and you can reach your goal easily without much difficulty.

There are many prescription and non-prescription slimming pills in the market. Most people dread just the name of prescription slimming pills because of the nasty side effects which come along with them.

These people have no other option but to go for natural or herbal diet pills. An important point to be made here is that the safety and efficacy of herbal diet pills are not clinically proven, so whether these diet pills will work for you or not is unknown.

However, the increasing numbers of reports in favour of herbal diet pills are making them receive encouraging public attention. Demand for herbal diet pills has escalated like never before and there are people who achieve amazing results on taking them. But as every coin has two sides, there are also people who despise slimming pills. There are many low-priced slimming pills online which don’t work; people who buy such pills are in for a big disappointment. And such fake diet pills create a bad name for all the pills in general.

So for your best interests, you should go for safe and genuine slimming pills from an equally safe and genuine website. Don’t get lulled by low-priced slimming pills and buy genuine slimming pills which are worth your every cent.

One safe, genuine and proven herbal diet pill is Hoodia gordonii. These herbal diet pills have changed the way people look at herbal or natural slimming pills. Many people who tried them just for the heck of it or to prove that these pills are nothing else but hoax are now firm believers of these pills.

When Hoodia gordonii came around, there were many sceptical people who didn’t believe that it worked. In fact, one BBC correspondent went all the way to Kalahari Desert to find out about Hoodia gordonii. A total disbeliever of Hoodia gordonii when we went, he came back a more trusting man.

Hoodia gordonii pills are not cheap or rip-off herbal diet pills. The safety and efficacy of these diet pills are researched in two clinical tests. So you can buy Hoodia gordonii without hesitation but remember to buy it from a safe and reputed website.

Also don’t give up physical exercises just because you have something as wonderful as Hoodia gordonii!

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Use Of Diet Pills In Weight Loss

The science of reducing weight is pretty simple - just spend some additional energy than you obtain from your meals. Your body will obtain the missing energy by burning up the fat deposits in your body parts. So, you must either raise your energy consumption speed (example by doing every day aerobic exercises) or lessen the dietary consumption of calories (example by switching over to a strict diet).

Obviously, to improve the result you can do both. A lot of people who tried to maintain a strict diet or go to the gymnasium every day will tell you that it is exceptionally hard. Very frequently you merely do not have adequate free time to do work out or make special meals that your diet prescribes. A niggling query in the minds of the users is how secure these diet pills are amidst reports of the health hazards & side-effects these pills cause to their user’s health.

Studies disclose that weight & diet loss pills may have an important effect on the user’s B P, metabolism & overall health. A large amount of these pills have side-effects, get in the way of the other medicines we take & encourage drug addiction. They are not intended to direct fatness – depending on an individual’s health status; the apparent advantages might be outweighed by apparent risks. At best, these diet pills are ought to be viewed as short-term aids for the highly overweight dieters. Scientific studies disclose that to be effectual, these diet pills must be used collectively with a complete weight reduction program comprising of a workout regimen & an effectual diet plan.

Individuals who are, overweight, obese or at threat of weight-related health troubles for example diabetes might be able to use diet pills safely. Conversely, individuals who undergo irregular heart-beats, high blood pressure, angina, glaucoma eye disease & overactive thyroid & particularly those who are pregnant are more prone to be in risk even if they make use of “safe” diet pills. Generally, “unsafe” diet pills & weight reduction programs work on the metabolism whereas “safe” diet pills work by jamming the assimilation of enzymes in the individual’s body that change digested fat into the tissues of fat.

These “Safe” diet pills could help weight watchers to reduce those unnecessary pounds. “Safe” diet pills can assist you to feel good & look good & grant you with extra energy to enjoy every bit in life.

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Which Weight Loss Pills Actually Work?

If your constantly trying to lose weight by using diet pills and have found little success, then listen up. There are dozens of weight loss pills available but the truth is that 90% of them are nothing but garbage. Few of the products out there actually do what the companies claim.

When looking for a diet pill to help you lose weight, make sure the pills you examine match the below requirements.

On the Label - The first thing that you should think about is what sort of ingredients the pill itself has. Pills that contain only natural ingredients are always better than products that may contain artificial ingredients. If you are looking at natural ingredients, you'll find that they will interact and be processed by your body a great deal more readily than if they are synthetic. You also need to confirm that the weight loss pill you decide to use is approved by medical doctors; There are some products that can have undesirable side effects that can cause problems down the road. Check the ingredients and make sure that you know what they all are; the best diet pills will have ingredients that are extremely easy to understand and will have no synthetics in them at all.

Online - When you are looking to judge the validity of a diet pill, make sure that you do your own research. Go online and check out what clinical studies have been done on the diet pill and what medical evidence has been produced in order to make sure that you are getting what you think you are getting. Similarly, this is a good time to check out what sort of reviews and testimonials you are looking at when it comes to what other people think about the pill in question.

No Prescription Pills! - When you are looking at the right kind of diet pills for you, stay away from prescription diet pills. On the whole, these pills are much stronger than the ones that you can purchase over the counter and the effects that they can have is usually much more severe. Unless you have been prescribed these by a doctor who is aware of your condition and personal history, give them a pass. Remember that there are plenty of places to find diet pills that will suit you, so start by looking at the local health stores and looking online; this will give you a great place to start.

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Dieting And Your Inner Beauty

There seems to be one universal truth when it comes to dieting. No one really enjoys the process though we all eagerly await and anticipate the results. The problem is tha
t far too many men and women around the world focus so much on dieting and perfecting their external beauty that they forget the beautiful people they are inside along the way. Our culture is becoming obsessive about the perfect body and the perfect body image.

If there was one message that should make it out to everyone dieing it is this: dieting should be more about health than beauty. You should not need to conform to some preconceived notion of what is or should be beautiful. If we create a world where everyone looks alike it would be rather boring in the end.

You need to focus on being happy with who you are in order to achieve the greatest dieting success you will have ever dared dream. Many of use eat out of emotional need or a simple need for comfort when we are depressed, hurting, uncertain, or simply in unfamiliar territory. There is no solution that will work for everyone when it comes to making peace with who you are and this by no means indicates that you should no longer seek to be the healthiest you there is. It simply means that your focus should be more on coming to terms with who you are as a person than in creating a new person or imagine behind which you can hide.

Dieting for the most part is an opportunity for many men and women to become someone else. Whether that someone is the person you used to be or some person you think you want to be, you are quite unlikely find happiness at any weight until you accept you for the person you are inside. This is often a difficult process but one that is well worth the effort. Once you've accepted the person inside you can address the specific needs that often lead to the excess weight to begin with. Depression is a common factor in weight gain as well as an inability to lose weight. By finding contentment depression will no longer a controlling factor in you life. For many, this is the freedom they need from their weight problems while others will find there are still hurdles remaining.

The important thing is that you stop allowing the person you are to be defined by what the scales say about you. Once you've reached a point in your life where you are happy with your appearance and feel that your personal fitness level is in hand you should discuss things with your doctor and see what he or she has to say. We do not need a nation of size 5 women. We need a nation of women who are self-aware and self confident and not afraid to be who they are on the inside regardless of how they look on the outside.

Finding the beauty within is often the most important aspect of dieting that there can be. Take the time while dieting to get to know the person you are and introduce that person to the person you want to be. In time the two will work out a healthy compromise and you will find that image isn't really everything no matter what the glossy magazines try to tell you.

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A Weight Loss Program That You Can Follow

The race to fitness is on and a lot of people are getting into the band wagon. Some people do it to achieve a sexy body, some people just do it because they are embarrassed with the body they have now, while others do it simply to remain fit and heatlthy. As such, many fitness programs are out in the internet, in gyms, spas and fitness centers all over. Some are too expensive to afford that one may even lose weight just by trying to work out the money needed to pursue these fitness programs.

One may not have to go to the gym or the spa or any fitness center and spend much just to slim down to obtain that longed for sexy body. There are many books available in the bookstore which offer weight loss programs which are convenient and for free, of course the books are not though. These weight loss programs, or diet plans are gaining immense popularity with so much publicity, testimonials and reviews that one may be confused which exactly to follow. So before choosing which weight loss plan to follow, try reading these summaries about the most popular diet programs out today.

Atkins' New Diet Revolution by Dr. Atkins. This weight loss program encourages high protein diet and a trim down on the carbs. One can feast on vegetables and meat but should fast on bread and pasta. One is also not restricted against fat intake so it is okay to pour in the salad dressing and freely spread on the butter. However, after the diet, one may find himself lacking on fiber and calcium yet high in fat. Intake of grains and fruits are also limited.

Carbohydrate Addict's Diet by Drs. Heller. This diet plan advocates low carbohyrate eating. Approves on eating meats, vegetables and fruits, dairy and grain products. however, warns against taking in too much carb. "Reward" meal can be too high on fats and saturated fats.

Choose to Lose by Dr. Goor. Restrains fat intake. One is given a "fat" budget and he is given the liberty on how to spend it. It does not pressure the individual to watch his carbohydrate intake. Eating meat and poultry as well as low-fat dairy and seafoods is okay. A go signal is also given on eating vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread and pasta. This weight loss plan is fairly healthy, good amounts of fruits and vegetables as well as saturated fats. Watch triglyceride levels though; if high, trim down the carbohydrates and tuck in more of the unsaturated fats.

The DASH Diet. Advocates moderate amounts of fat and protein intake and high on carbs. Primarily designed to lower blood pressure, the diet plan follows the pyramid food guide and encourages high intake of whole wheat grains as well as fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy. Some dieters think it advocates too much eating to procure significant weight loss.

Eat More, Weigh Less by Dr. Ornish. Primarily vegetarian fare and strictly low-fat. Gives the go signal on the "glow" foods but warns to watch it on non-fat dairy and egg whites. This diet is poor in calcium and retricts consumption of healthy foods like seafoods and lean poultry.

Eat Right for Your Type. Interesting because it is based on the person's blood type. recommends plenty of mest for people with the blood type O. Diet plans for some blood types are nutritionally imbalanced and too low in calories. And for the record, there is even no proof that blood type affects dietary needs.

The Pritkin Principle. Focused on trimming the calorie density in eating by suggesting watery foods that make one feel full. Eating vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, pasta, soups, salads and low-fat dairy is okay. Although limits protein sources to lean meat, pseafood and poultry. Although it is healthy by providing low amounts of saturated fats and rich amounts of vegetables and fruits, it is also low on calcium and limits lean protein sources.

Volumetrics. For low-density calorie eating. Recommends the same foodstuff as Pritkin but restricts fatty or dry foods like popcorn, pretzels and crackers. This plan is reasonably healthy given the high amounts of fruits and vegetables as well as being low in calorie density and saturated fats.

The Zone. Moderately low on the carbs yet moderately high on the proteins. Encourages low-fat protein foods like fish and chicken plus veggies, fruits and grains. It is also healthy but lacking in grains and calcium.

Weight Watchers. High carbohydrates, moderate on fats and proteins. A very healthy diet plan and very flexible too. it allows the dieter to plan his own meal rather than give him a set to follow.

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Include Alkaline In Your Diet

The pH miracle diet is a revolutionary new way to look at how you eat. The essentials of the diet are to keep the ph balance of food intake at 80% alkaline with 20% acidity. The goal with this diet is to match the ph level of the bloodstream, which runs on the alkaline side. This task can be daunting for many because foods that most people love to indulge themselves on are considered high in acidity. The goal in adding more alkaline into your diet is to identify good sources of alkaline. Creating a comprehensive list of alkaline producing foods will help you make the most of the pH miracle diet.

alkalizing foods have a tonic effect on the body. By neutralizing the acidity in the bloodstream, alkaline foods act as a "breath of fresh air" to the system regenerating and restoring damaged cells. Diets high in acidic foods cause the body to break down prematurely, the bloodstream carries these "acid bombs" throughout the system wreaking havoc in their wake. By determining what foods have an alkalizing effect on the body, we can incorporate them into our diet in larger amounts, setting the pH levels in the bloodstream to the optimum level. On average, the pH level of human blood is between 7.35 and 7.45; levels 7 and above are considered alkaline.

Vegetables and fruits are the easiest ways to get more alkaline into your diet. Vegetables that are alkalizing are: alfalfa, barley grass, beets, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chard greens, collard greens, cucumber, dandelions, eggplant, garlic, green beans, green peas, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, nightshade veggies, onions, parsnips, peas, peppers, pumpkin, radishes, rutabaga, sea veggies, spinach, sprouts, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watercress, wheat grass, and wild greens.

Fruits that have an alkalizing effect are: apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, berries, blackberries, cantaloupe, cherries, coconut, currants, dates, figs, grapes, grapefruit, honeydew, lemons, limes, muskmelons, nectarines, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapple, raisins, raspberries, rhubarb, strawberries, tangerines, tomatoes, tropical fruits, and watermelon.

Protein can be a problem when attempting to add more alkaline into your diet. All protein derived from animals is acidic. It is possible to add protein to your diet that will have an alkalizing effect in your bloodstream. Proteins that are alkaline are: almonds, chestnuts, millet, tempeh, tofu, and whey protein powder.

Food is nothing without the spices, herbs and sweeteners that give it that extra bit of character. You can add these alkalizing additions to your culinary efforts to bring your PH levels into balance. Alkalizing condiments are: cinnamon, curry, ginger, mustard, chili pepper, sea salt, stevia, miso, tamari, and all herbs.

Minerals are essential to optimum health. Paying attention to which minerals have alkalizing effects can add the proper balance to your blood pH. Minerals that have an alkalizing effect on the body are: cesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium.

There are other incidentals that can make adding alkaline to your diet even easier. Other ways to add alkaline to your diet are: apple cider vinegar, alkaline antioxidant water, bee pollen, lecithin granules, molasses, probiotic cultures, soured dairy products, green juices, veggie juices, fresh fruit juice, and mineral water.

Knowing which foods and supplements that add alkaline to your pH levels is just the beginning. Implementing them is the next step which takes planning and commitment. After adding these healing foods to your diet you can test your body's pH levels with a saliva strip test available at most health food stores. Keeping your pH level between 7 and 8 is the target for good health.

Remember the goal of the pH miracle diet is to have the alkaline intake higher than your acidic intake. This does not mean that you can't enjoy the foods that are higher in acidity, quite the contrary; the balance of your diet should be geared toward alkaline producing foods. By maintaining a proper pH balance you can ensure that your body is performing at its optimum level.

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Drinking Green And The Ph Miracle Diet

If you've been learning about the benefits of the pH miracle diet you've probably run across the phrase "green drinks" before. In fact, a quick search of reviews on Robert Young's book "The pH Miracle Diet" shows that many people who use the program also use green drinks to boost the level of alkaline in their diets. What are green drinks and how are they beneficial to those following the pH diet?

Green drinks are a simple and easy way for people to get more nutrition and alkalinity into their diet. The pH miracle diet approach offers people a simple and basic understanding of why their bodies are out of balance. The key problem in health and excess weight is the presence of too much acid in the diet. That acid builds up and causes problems in the functioning of your cells. Over time, the acidity builds up in your body and makes a negative environment for your cells, organs and tissues. The solution is to eat an alkalizing diet that has a calming effect on the system. This will get your body pH back into balance and allow your cells to function as they were meant to.

You can simply and easily infuse your body with alkaline foods by using green drinks one to three times per day. Green drinks are made from grasses, sprouted grains and other green vegetables. These will help your body become more alkaline and they have the vitamins, minerals and amino acids that your body needs to repair itself.

There are many different green drinks available on the market. Most come in powder form and each day you mix a few spoonfuls with water. They are available at local health foods stores or on the Internet. Since there are so many brands to choose from the choice might be overwhelming. The main thing to look for in a green drink is the presence of alkaline vegetable ingredients. Make sure to read the label of ingredients carefully. Although all green drinks are different, most contain a few common ingredients.

Kamut grass can decrease cholesterol levels, help with weight loss and add protein to the diet. Broccoli is a strong anti-cancer food and it also helps boost the immune system and improve digestion. Dandelion greens help with weight loss and cholesterol levels. They are also a good source of iron and calcium. Kale contains vitamin C, A, Iron, Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium. Alfalfa sprouts can help redistribute your body weight after you lose weight. These are just a few of the powerful ingredients contained in green drinks. Some have lists of dozens of ingredients.

Another thing to look for in your green drink is notification that the ingredients are organically grown. Make sure the green drink contains no algae, mushroom or probiotics as these are acidifying ingredients. Finally, check the label carefully for non-nutrient ingredients and fillers.

The directions for taking green drinks depend on the manufacturer. Most green drinks are taken mixed with water up to four times daily. Some are available in capsules and should be taken with plenty of water. When you first begin taking green drinks, it is recommended that you take half a dose for one week in order to get your body used to the effects.

Green drinks help with instantly alkalizing your body. They neutralize the excess acids that are in your system. Many people report feeling instant increases in energy and a reduction in cravings for sugar and caffeine. If you are the type of person who cannot get moving without your morning cup of coffee, give green drinks a try for a week and feel the difference. Green drinks also help the immune system and can reduce the amounts of yeasts and toxins in the body.

You can feel the effects of the pH miracle diet instantly when you use green drinks. Research your options and then select a green drink brand that looks good to you and fits the alkalizing criteria. Green drinks are an instant way to alkalize your body and improve your health.

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Should You Lose Weight

Are you a woman? If you are and if you are like many other women, there is a good chance that you are concerned with your appearance. When it comes to appearance, there are many women who are concerned with their weight, namely the weight that they would like to shed or need to shed. Unfortunately, many women believe that they need to lose weight when they really don't. To determine if you should seriously think about losing weight, as it is an important issue, you may want to continue reading on.

When it comes to determining if you should lose weight, there are a number of important factors that you should consider. Since many women are concerned with their appearance and the way that they look, you may want to examine your appearance. Do you think that could benefit from a weight loss? If you are currently unhappy with the way that you look, it may be something to consider. Of course, it is also important to make sure that you don't lose too much weight, as it can be harmful to your health. For that reason, you may want to consult with your doctor to determine if weight loss is an issue that you should work on.

Speaking of consulting with your doctor, your doctor may have recommended that you lose weight, with their own fee will. If your doctor has suggested that you lose weight, it is advised that you take his or her suggestion into consideration. What many women fail to realize is that their healthcare professional isn't as concerned with their appearance as they are their health. So, if your doctor recommends that you lose weight, even just a little bit of weight, he or she may be concerned with your health and the possibility of you developing any weight related health complications.

The two above mentioned signs are two the most common signs that you may want to think about losing weight. Of course, it is important to remember that the decision to lose weight is yours to make, as it is an issue that you have to deal with. With that in mind, it is important to also remember that carrying around excess weight is more than just carrying around excess weight. There are many women who are constantly stressed out about or concerned with their appearance. If you would no longer like to spend every day in front of the mirror ashamed of your body or hiding your body from those and you know and love, it may be time to take action.

If you would like to lose weight, you may be pleased to know that you have a number of different options. Many women are able to develop their own weight loss plans, which often include a regular exercise plan, as well as eating healthy. You also have the option of joining a local weight loss program or an online weight loss program. These types of programs are nice, as you often get professional advice as well as support from group leaders and other weight loss program members.

As a reminder, it is advised that you take the time to speak with your physician, regarding your weight loss plans or goals. This is especially important if you plan on creating your own at-home weight loss plan. In addition to giving you the go-ahead, your physician may also offer you a few weight loss tips, tricks, and techniques, ones that you may find helpful.

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6 Fat Burning Foods That Accelerate Healthy Weight Loss!

In order to achieve healthy weight loss and keep it off for good, the most important thing to remember is you are what you eat. You have heard that a million times I'm sure, but it's the absolute truth. If you eat nothing but junk food, you will be a walking example of bad health. Sad but true, but the good news is that it works the same way when you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Most people don't understand how they woke up one day and suddenly found themselves fat and lethargic. That's because poor food choices made on a daily basis is something that creeps up on you. One cheeseburger won't kill you, but one cheeseburger every day plus all those fries that are also OK to eat with them add up.

There is no magic pill that will ever be invented to allow you to eat garbage without it taking a toll on your body. If you want to achieve healthy weight loss and keep it off for good, you have to lead a healthy lifestyle and there is no other way around it. You do not have to give up the junk foods you love, but you do have to limit your consumption and replace them with choices that coincide with your plan of action.

Here are 6 fat burning foods that should help you with your healthy weight loss goals.

Healthy weight loss Food #1: Soy Protein
Protein takes a lot of effort for the body to break down and digest...even more than fat. So while your body is working hard to process that protein, you're burning calories. The best type of protein for healthy weight loss is soy-based. A soybean is the closest thing you can get to a magic weight loss pill. I start every day with a soy-based protein shake to ensure I am getting the best nutrition money can buy...and I don't miss the donuts and bagels one bit!

Healthy Weight Loss Food #2: Whole Grains
belly fat is not attractive or healthy on anyone, and whole grains can really go to work on that stubborn flab around your midsection. One of the most efficient ways to get whole grains into your diet is through supplements because you don't have to eat tons of oatmeal to get the your daily requirement. (Even though a bowl of grape nuts with fresh strawberries and blueberries every once in a while is hard to resist!)

Healthy Weight Loss Food #3: Grapefruit
You have to have grown up in a cave far away from civilization to not have been told that Vitamin C is good for you. Along with the powerful antioxidant benefits, this vitamin helps burn fat. The next time you're looking for a cool snack on a hot day, dig into a juicy grapefruit. It will help to lower insulin levels, which keeps you from being hungry all the time! Too sour? Sprinkle it with Splenda (not sugar). The goal here is to lose weight.

Healthy Weight Loss Food #4: Green Tea
Green tea is the first thing I drink in the morning when I wake up, and I usually drink another cup in the afternoon just because of its awesome health benefits. This superdrink helps us lose weight by raising our metabolism, which will burn off calories faster than you ever imagined. Hot or cold, don't let a day go by without using it to your healthy weight loss advantage.

fat burning Food #5: Water's not really a food, but it's important to drink lots of water if you're trying to burn fat. This is the ingredient that people miss the most. Your body can't work effectively if it's dehydrated, so it's extremely important to keep a bottle of water with you at all times. Don't worry, you'll get used to it and thank yourself when you do. And no, soda pop (regular or diet) is not a healthy alternative.

Healthy Weight Loss Food #6: Apples
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Why don't we ever listen to what we are told when we are kids? Apples and other water-rich fruits will make your diet plan more effective. The pectin contained in apples limits how much fat your cells can absorb. How awesome is that?! Plus, it's a naturally soluble fiber, which is always good. Forget about counting carbs and calories in packaged snacks. Just grab an apple.

As you can obviously tell, there are many food options we tend to overlook on our journey to a healthy weight loss. Most people focus on trying every new product they see advertised on tv without remembering that it's always good to just stick with the basics. People 2, 3 and 4 decades ago did not have the technological advances we have today, and obesity was practically unheard of. Think about what they ate, and think about what you eat. For things to change, you have got to change.

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Diet And Nutrition Detoxification

your body can then restore a healthy balance. detoxifying the body has become an apparent key preventetive measure to all kind's of health problems. Think of it detox as a spring clean for the body. Often people end up with side-effects from a detox program thus highlighting the importance of medical consultation an supervision when undergoing a diet change. A good detox will help restore the bodyýs balance, eliminate the waste building up and make our systems run much more efficiently. During autopsies, coroners often find colons that are more than 75% clogged with waste matter. This causes the systems that clean our blood and intestinal tracts to back up. Nutrients canýt be absorbed as efficiently and we gain weight, become tired and irritable. Health issues often follow. Each organ needs to be stimulated to clean out clogged tissues and suffocated cells from the cumulative damage of alcohol/ cigarettes/ caffeine/ prescription drugs/ sugar/ pollution/ chemicals and hormones in our food.

you have to combine your detox diet with proper exercise rest and positive state of mind. This is because of the toxins released. If this happens to you. General Detox Diet. This diet is not for diabetics low blood pressure patients anorexic people or teenagers as it does not provide sufficient fuel for their physical activities. So how does one detoxify? It can't be done overnight. You took time to build those toxins up. You may also want to add in some liquid acidophilus if you have bowel issues crave sugar know you have yeast problems or have had a history of taking antibiotics.

Detoxification is unarguably very important for a long lasting health. There are several ways to achieve detoxification of the system some depend on the type of chemicals we are attempting to rid the body of while others have a general effect. foot detox is another simple and easy method of detoxifying. With this procedure you only have to place your foot in basin of salted water that contains ion generators. The ion generators are then supplied with a very low current of electricity which causes the production of positively charged and negatively charged ions that then attract opposite charged particles in the body. Some of the known problems of going through a detox product diet range from chronic fatigue to short term concentration difficulties. Also, the diets suggested are often prohibitively priced, making them impractical for most people to follow. See Detox Diet The presence of toxic substances has been shown to be the root cause of most diseases and getting rid of these toxins in our body system is bound to ensure long lasting health.

Hair analysis is perhaps the best method for analyzing the presence and amount of toxins in the body this is because the protein in the hair fiber tends to retain the composition of the body tissue for a longer period of time. The bloodstream is probably the most heavily-laden system in the body when it comes to toxins. If the Liver is sluggish or slow then the toxins will remain circulating in the bloodstream. Almost everyone has attempted to follow diets and weight loss programs at some time in their lives. The trouble with so many diets and low fat diets is that they are hard to follow.

From having helped thousands of people go through all sorts of detox diets I know that the rejuvenation it brings and the sense of accomplishment on top of all the health results is well worth the discipline it requires to do it. At the end of the two weeks Robin announced she had dropped an incredible 24 pounds. " detoxing has always intrigued me. The problem is that there is little scientific evidence that these things really work, other than making us think that we are doing something healthy. The massive diet and nutrition industries have created yet another myth, the Detox Myth, encouraging us to spend money on pills, treatments, spa breaks, books etc, but the benefits of the products are questionable, and the claims are not supported by science. Learn more at LUNCH: Between noon and 1 p.

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Hydroxycut For Herbal Weight Loss

Some even report that obesity is reaching epidemic levels, meaning that it can lead to hypertension, cardiovascular disease, strokes, certain types of cancer and diabetes. These health issues are killers and they are on the rise in our society, so we need to take action in our own lives.

Intellectually we are aware that we’re not staying in shape and burning fat the way our relatives did a hundred years ago when they were out in the fields tending to the potato crop. However, the fact of the physical changes that have occurred now that we spend our working lives sitting behind a desk is really starting to bite. Could it be that we are still eating like the farmers of old but failing to do anything to use up all that food? If this is true, then one great solution is using natural herbs for weight loss, such as Hydroxycut.

For those of us that prefer natural remedies over chemical-based medicine, Hydroxycut can help us feel good about what we are doing to keep the extra pounds at bay. It’s true that we don’t have to dig around in the dirt these days just to survive and put food on the table, but mental work outs and creative exercises are not an excuse to ignore our flabby butts. Case in point: the word body is included in the phrase, “body, mind and spirit.” And guess what – it’s at the first of the list!

Hydroxycut will help to calm down the appetite, because we get really hungry when we are using lots of brain power. If we eat but don’t exercise we’ll end up as one of those unpleasant statistics. There is no herb or pharmaceutical product that will magically cause the fat to melt off our bodies, so getting enough exercise and following diet that suits our unique metabolism will help us get fit and stay that way.

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Weight Loss - Give Things Time To Work

There are plenty of shady drug manufacturers out there who will try to convince you that their products are the key to quick weight loss and the truth is that weight loss is not a quick process. weight loss doesn't happen over night. After all, you didn't gain all of your weight within a few days, why would you think that you could lose it all in that time period? In reality, it takes more time to lose the weight than it does to gain it.

It is important that you understand that your weight gain is the result of leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Logic dictates, then, that to lose weights, you will need to start leading a healthy lifestyle. It seems so simple but there are plenty of people who just don't understand. When these people are told to go on a diet, they usually choose a fad diet that is talked up by their friends, get bored with the fad diet and then they cheat on the diet and end up doing more damage to themselves than good.

Exercise works the same way. Most people understand that exercising regularly can help them lose weight and can help to speed the weight loss along. These same people will be great about regularly going to the gym and working out for a couple of months but then they get bored with their workouts and eventually stop exercising completely!

In both of these instances, people fail in their weight loss efforts because they expect weight loss to happen quickly. They think that the fad diets are popular because they work but when the diet doesn't deliver the desired results, they quit the program altogether.

The sad truth is that people who quit their weight loss programs end up mired back in their unhealthy lifestyles more often than not. They end up eating just as much junk food as they did before they began the fad diet and go back to lying around instead of staying active. Then they get mad and wonder why they spent so much money following a program that didn't work. If any of this sounds familiar to you or (be honest) sounds like something you have done, here is the truth: weight loss takes work. Laziness won't ever get you the trim body that you've been wanting.

Here are the steps you need to take to make sure that you successfully lose weight (and keep it off):

1. Develop a plan for losing weight that involves a healthy diet and regular exercise program.

2. Make yourself stick to the plan even when you get bored or the results take a while to become visible.

3. Remind yourself that you will not lose a lot of weight or develop a slim and trim body overnight.

When you start to feel discouraged, remind yourself that Rome was not built in a day. You didn't gain all of your weight in a single night and if your body is made up of more than thirty percent fat then you will need to truly commit yourself to a weight loss program if you ever want to see those six pack abs. This program might take months or even years to give you the results you want. It will take a lot of hard work, but trust us when we tell you that, in the end, the results will absolutely have been worth it.

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Weight Loss For Weddings

Your wedding day weight loss does not begin on your wedding day. Successful weight loss in preparation of your wedding day or any other day, begins not with a diet, but with your mind. Once you learn the four components to safe weight loss and implement them, you will achieve the weight loss that you want for your wedding day.

What are the four key factors to successful weight loss and how can you benefit from them? In short they are 1) the right food, 2) the right time, 3) the right amount, and 4), the right exercise.

The Right Food: Understanding the internal workings of fat cells will guide you to the right foods for weight loss. Fat cells are engineered to hoard energy in the form of fat. Low calorie can be interpreted by your fat cells as a crisis situation and instead of breaking down and releasing their energy, your fat cells will preserve themselves by altering the release of their energy, their fat, to a slim trickle. Your body will hold onto its fat for as long as it can with very little, if any, weight loss.

Eating foods that are natural, non processed, whole, and nutritious tells your fat cells not to go into self conservation mode and there is no need to conserve or increase the amount of fat in your body.

Your body needs protein, fats (like the fat stored in your body), minerals and vitamins to regenerate itself and carry out its life sustaining functions and processes. The best sources of these components are unprocessed, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. The favored meats for weight loss are fish, and fowl.

The Right Time: Nutritionists are now in accord that eating small frequent meals throughout the day, while not modifying the total daily intake, dramatically reduces the tendency of the body to retain fat. (The body and fat cells sense that there is no shortage of food.) The most important meal continues to be a nutritious and satisfying breakfast. Don't omit it if you want to see weight loss!

The Right Amount: Eat a wide variety of nutritious foods and eat enough. Don't make your fat cells hold onto their energy because they don't sense enough food in your body. Don't get greedy, though. Allow your body to get used to smaller and more frequent meals and you will lose weight. Your body will soon adapt to smaller more frequent meals over time.

The Right Exercise: Scientific study has shown beyond all doubt that people who regularly perform aerobic exercises finally see significant weight loss and do not get fatter. Any exercise sustained for a continuous 20 minute period on a daily basis that increases your heart rate, raises your metabolism, and injects copious amounts of fat burning oxygen throughout your body will deliver true weight loss. Some excellent exercises in this category are jogging, cycling, brisk walking, and rope skipping. Remember, people who regularly engage in aerobic exercise do not put on pounds but instead experience true weight loss. Remember to check with your doctor for clearance to engage in aerobic exercises.

So you see, you do not need to carry those unneeded pounds down the aisle with you on your wedding day. The best gift you can have on your wedding day is a healthier, slimmer you and you can give that wedding day weight loss gift to yourself. Wedding day weight loss... what a nice gift!

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Wednesday 10 September 2008

Weight Loss Tip : Top Useful and Effective Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tip
Top Useful and Effective Weight Loss Tips

Tip 1
The first most important step you should exactly do is to giggle by yourself and swear to god as you will be happy every-time you try to lose your weight. Most people will be serious with any weight loss methods that it makes negative attitude or emotion at the begining. Be happy is the first step you have to do!
Tip 2
Open your mind to accept to any weight gain reason. Don't give up! Be honest with yourself, when you begin your weight loss. To keep off the weight in the future, you may have to change your lifestyle to stay slim.
Tip 3
Spend your time to learn and understand about weight loss and any methods of how to lose weight. It will help you to find the best way for you easier. Many people who diet believe that if they eat more than their body needs, they gain weight. If they eat less than their body needs, they lose weight. Basically that’s true. But, this is one common mistake that they don't really understand there are still have other factors which its be involved as they trying to lose weight, especailly, hidden calories and how much is provided by the food they are eating.
Tip 4
It's most important thing, you should exactly do is to do not skip your meals forever. Remember the metabolism of your body will increasing and working properly by eating. Every-time you do skipping your meals, your body has to slow down the metabolism to attempt to conserve calories during that period. It makes you feel not so good and slicks you into a nightmare completely!
Tip 5
Before you start an exercise or weight loss program, you must to consult your doctor.
Tip 6
Good health achievement is a first point you should focus when you start to lose your weight.
Tip 7
Focus, monitor, and increase your activities to help your weight loss.
Tip 8
Fast walking is the easiest way, best method (can be done anywhere) you should add it into your weight loss program to hasten the burning of excess fat.
Tip 9
Do not stay with your weight loss program alone. Try to find your weight loss partner, friend, or club for motivation.
Tip 10
Learn about nutrition and find out the good healthy recipes, then try to test and grab any recipes that you think they are properly for you. This begins for your good cooking and healthy eating.
Tip 11
Avoid to have one or two big meals. Let's get two times of snacks and three mini meals everyday instead of.
Tip 12
Learn how to make your favorite recipes without sugar, fats, and salt.
Tip 13
Instead of salt to taste, do use spices and herbs for your favorite foods.
Tip 14
When you are cooking with fry or stir method, do avoid using oil.
Tip 15
Avoid to adding the yolks into your foods as much as possible you can.
Tip 16
Use non-fat yogurt instead of cream.
Tip 17
Sometime you try to eat low fat mayonnaise but you realize that it's not be good taste for you, let's try to combines 1 teaspoon (or little more... depends on your tastable tongue) of satay sauce or dijon mustard with it. Your dream will come true!
Tip 18
During meals, you should to chew each bite and eat slowly. Slow eating will kill your appetite.
Tip 19
In the morning, let's try to drink hot or warm water to speed up your metabolism and burn calories out.
Tip 20
Try to drink 8 glasses of water per day. It's very important for your health and also helps to loss weight. Please remind that large quantities of water is required for an active metabolism which weight loss need.

The Pitfalls of Weight Loss Programs and Diets

Most diet and weight loss programs have a depressingly high failure rate, with people either never reaching their weight goals or reaching them and regaining all the weight they lost (and sometimes more) in about one year.

Getting the weight off fast is so desirable that many of us are willing to sacrifice health and ignore common sense in the hope that some new weight loss program or scheme will work. This pipe dream can unfortunately outweigh the negative consequences. So let's examine the downside of dieting.

What Is An Unhealthy Weight Loss Program?

* Any weight loss program that is not nutritionally sound;
* One that works against what the body naturally needs like vitamins, minerals, and a minimum number of calories a day;
* One that requires you to go without eating (for example, fasting or meal replacement drinks);
* One that puts your body into an unnatural state, such as starvation or ketosis.

Your body can only lose a few pounds a week on a consistent basis. If you lose more than that initially, it's likely just water loss. So any weight loss program that promises you will lose five pounds a week, or 25 pounds in 3 weeks, is guaranteeing you will be losing water and muscle mass not fat.

Almost every popular weight loss program out there falls into one of the following diet categories: low calorie diets, meal replacement drinks, packaged foods, unbalanced nutrients, and ketosis diets. Let's see how they stack up.


Whenever you drastically reduce your calories, the body enters an unnatural state and its defenses kick in. So when calories drop below, say, 1000 calories a day, your metabolism will shut down in an effort to conserve energy. And weight loss with a sluggish metabolism is very difficult.

Your body will start using muscle tissue to provide energy, which again leads to a decrease in the metabolism. Taken to an extreme, the body will break down its vital parts (such as the heart muscle) trying to meet its energy needs.

In addition to these drawbacks, trying to maintain the weight loss over time is nearly impossible because your body is now used to making do with very few calories. Going back to "normal" eating causes the weight to pile back on.

For this reason, low cal weight loss programs rarely work over the long haul.


One of the most unnatural things for your body is to go without solid food, which is what meal replacement plans ask it to do. Some people think that dieting will be easier if they aren't confronted with daily food choices and the pounds will just fall off. This may be true while they are on the liquid diet. But what about afterwards?

Where will the good eating habits come from after you've lost the weight? This is something that takes time, practice and knowledge. Dieters need to establish a healthy attitude towards a life-long eating plan. And no "fad" weight loss program or liquid lunch can help you with that.

Getting hooked on meal replacements can become a destructive way to view food. It often leads dieters to fear food or binge to "feed" their cravings after a long period of deprivation. And that's just the psychological side of the equation.

The lack of fiber in such weight loss programs can be a threat to good physical health. And when the body is denied enough solid food, the intestines go into overdrive absorbing calories and nutrients. This helps you during the diet period, but later it makes it much easier to regain the weight.

Another yo-yo weight loss program that hurts you in the end.


Be cautious about any weight loss program that has strict rules about good foods and bad foods. Sure, high fat and high sugar foods might be considered bad for the waistline, but moderation not abstinence is key to success.

Why? Because eating the same foods every day (say, grapefruit or high protein meals) is going to result in two things: nutritional imbalance and boredom.

All foods are made up of the same nutrients in different amounts: fat, carbohydrates, and protein. It is the right proportion of these nutrients that will bring about weight loss - not the avoidance of "bad" foods and the consumption of only "good" or magical foods.

In the world of dieting, no one food or nutrient group is magical. Variety and moderation are the keys to a healthy diet and a successful weight loss program.


To stay at your ideal body weight, you have to learn how to make proper food choices. By following a packaged food weight loss program you are postponing the inevitable, and spending plenty of $$$ in the process.

Another problem with this kind of weight loss program is that the foods provided are not always healthy. Read the package label and you will see chemicals, preservatives, sodium, sugar and saturated fats. And when all you can eat is packaged food, how do you plan meals with other people? Going out to restaurants and parties and enjoying family meals becomes a big hassle.

Your weight loss program then becomes a burden, not only to you, but to those around you.


Ketosis has been defined as:

"An abnormal condition marked by excessive production of ketone bodies. Often caused by high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins diet."

Atkins and certain other weight loss programs are based on the principle of restricting carbohydrates to the point that the body enters into ketosis. On the surface, a ketogenic diet seems to work for two reasons: First, you'll lose large amounts of weight, which is very pleasing to the dieter. Secondly, you don't experience hunger.

But there are serious drawbacks. Your weight goes down due to water loss (which occurs when you restrict carbohydrates) and a loss of lean muscle tissue. This is NOT true, lasting weight loss.

The loss of appetite comes from having ketones building up in the body, which can harm your health. Side effects of a ketosis weight loss program can include fatigue, kidney stones, gout, and muscle loss. The longer you follow such a diet, the greater the risk to your health.

Clearly not a wise choice of weight loss program, not for the short term or the long.


There are always new weight loss programs coming onto the market and going in and out of style. To evaluate if a weight loss program is healthy and sensible for you, ask yourself the following questions:

* Is the plan nutritionally sound?
* Will it help improve my weight, metabolism, cholesterol level, blood pressure, energy level, and general health?
* Will I be eating real food and not have to buy special formulas, drinks, etc?
* Will I be eating a wide variety of foods rather than just a few "diet" foods?
* Am I allowed to have some treats and eat my favorite foods?
* Can I eat out in restaurants, have a glass of wine with dinner, or some dessert?
* Can I follow this weight loss program without it interfering with my lifestyle?
* Can I lose weight without feeling hungry?
* Will l develop eating habits for life-long weight control with this weight loss program?
* Is this the last diet I will ever need to finally reach and maintain my ideal weight?

Why Most Weight Loss Diets Don't Work

If you've ever gone on a diet,you've learned two things: dieting is no fun. And even if you lose some weight,you usually gain it back. But why is that?

There is plenty of medical evidence to prove that dieting actually can make you fat. And that happens because your body goes to war with any weight loss diet. They aren't natural and the body craves only a natural state of being. So as you struggle to find a weight loss diet that works, your body makes it tougher and tougher for that unnatural state to persist, which results in the negative effects of yo yo dieting: weight gain.

In this article, we examine the physical reasons why your body sabotages your efforts to diet. We'll also look at ways to overcome them so your weight loss diet has a better chance of working.

Defense Mechanisms Overview

Our bodies have defense mechanisms that evolved in us throughout history. In early times, food shortages required the body to accumulate fat stores to protect against the lean times. And to this day,our bodies are still programmed this way, even though it's no longer needed.

So when we go on a diet, the body thinks hard times are here so it goes into fat-storage mode to protect us. The more dieting you do, the more your body thinks it has to store fat. Your task,if you want to lose weight, is to outsmart the following defense mechanisms.


We often use the word metabolism - "I have a slow metabolism", "I have a fast metabolism." But what does it really mean in terms of a weight loss diet?

Metabolism refers to all the processes occurring in the body that are responsible for life: your heartbeat, your body temperature, breathing, and the burning of calories to create energy. Your metabolism determines how many calories your body burns to do its job. That's how your metabolism can be influenced by any weight loss diet that restricts calories.

Repeated diets cause your body to slow down its metabolism in order to become more efficient and continue running on fewer calories.But when you end your diet and return to a normal caloric intake, your body isn't used to burning all those calories, so it stores the leftover ones as fat. So to prevent that, you now have to eat much less than before just to maintain your new weight. In other words: your diet can never end in order to be successful. And a diet without end is a dire prospect for most of us.

Fat-Storing Enzymes

LPL enzymes store fat. That's their job. When you diet, the LPL become more active and grow in number. The problem is, when you finish your diet, the LPL levels don't return to normal until you regain most of the weight you lost.Another way your body makes weight loss dieting very difficult. (Don't worry, we'll provide some sensible weight loss diet suggestions that DO work at the end of this article.)

Calorie Absorption

When you diet, your intestines get super efficient at absorbing calories. They go into overdrive, trying to fully stock the body with nutrients by getting as many calories out of the food you eat as possible, not letting any pass out of the body. So the result is logical: dieting makes your intestines very good at absorbing and storing up calories. Exactly what you don't want when you're on a weight loss diet to lose pounds.

The Body Fat Dilemma

Poor dieting can make you fatter than you were before. That's because when you lose the weight, it often comes from water and muscles. But when you gain it back, it returns in the form of fat. So you wind up with a higher proportion of fat to lean muscle than you had before.

Hormonal Disruptions

Low cal weight loss diets make your thyroid gland produce less of the hormone that regulates metabolism. And that can reduce your calorie burning ability by up to 15%. Not helpful for anyone trying to lose weight.

Skipping Breakfast

Missing meals may be the worst kind of weight loss diet because calories taken early in the day are burned off faster than those eaten at night. So skipping breakfast and eating more in the evening actually contributes to the weight problem. In fact, eating all your daily calories for breakfast can lead to weight loss, eating them all at night leads to weight gain.

Training Your Stomach

Overeating at meal time stretches out the stomach.That trains it to want more food in order to get that full feeling. But people who eat small meals more often need and want less food. The stomach can be trained over time to adapt to smaller meals and snacks taken throughout the day. When the stomach is smaller, it will fill faster and demand less food.

Beating Your Body's Defense Mechanisms

As promised, here are some ways to override your body's defenses and create a sensible, effective weight loss diet that really works:

1. Don't yo-yo diet. Come up with a healthy weight loss diet plan and see it through until you get results.
2. Don't drop calorie intake below 1,000 a day. The body sees this as a threat. Instead, eat enough calories that contain the right balance of nutrients like proteins and carbs while reducing fats.
3. Include fiber in any weight loss diet plan. It helps food and fats pass through the intestines quickly, rather than getting absorbed in the form of calories.
4. Avoid simple carbs like sugars: they are quickly absorbed by the body as blood sugar which increases insulin - the enemy of weight loss diets.
5. Drink caffeine in moderation for the same reason. It stimulates insulin secretion.
6. Never go hungry. Eating regular meals and snacks will help eliminate those dangerous cravings and keep your body's defense mechanisms from going into starvation mode.
7. Eat more of your daily calories early in the day and less of them later.
8. Be content with slow weight loss. This prevents the body from going on defense and allows the weight loss to continue gradually.
9. Keep the weight off with exercise.

One More Thing

Even following these guidelines, some people who are obese or very overweight find it difficult to lose weight. For them, medication may help to support their weight loss diet.

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