Saturday 26 December 2009

Effective Tips on Weight Loss

Tip # 1 – Add two vegetables or fruits to every meal eaten. This tends to fill the stomach up to a certain level, helping one to reduce to the calories consumed by eating other foods.

Tip # 2 – one should make it a regular habit to eat some snacks every four hours. Snack usually refers to fruits (like apples and oranges), string cheese, chips, pretzels and so on. It is essential to make sure that there is something in the stomach all the time. This should be done in order not to feel hungry and to prevent the urge to eat.

Tip # 3 – one should always eat breakfast. A person usually goes for many hours without eating during the night. Therefore, eating breakfast does not reduce the probability of over eating during the day.

Tip # 4 – meals should be eaten at regular intervals. Eating at inappropriate times disrupts the entire diet of the person. It is essential to strictly follow a well maintained schedule.

Tip # 5 – one should NEVER skip meals at any cost. Skipping meals is thought to be a good way of cutting on calories, but starving oneself is the biggest mistake people commit. This is because, the next meal consumed is directly converted into pure FAT. This results in gaining weight rather than losing.

Tip # 6 – it is essential to now the portions well. For instance, a single ounce of cheese is the size of a marble, a quantity of rice as much as half a cup is as big as one’s fist and three ounces of meat served is equal to the size of a pack of cards. One should divide his/her plate into two parts; one fourth should have low fat dairy products or extra lean met and three fourths of it should have fruits, vegetables, beans and grains

Tip # 7 – one should drink a lot of water. Drinking water is regarded as the most important part of a diet plan. Even as little as a single glass of water every hour would bring about drastic changes to the body. Water helps a person to eat lesser than normal, and it removes all the waste from the body. Water plays a major role in digestion. The minimum per day consumption of water must be around two to three litres.

Tip # 8 – eating slowly contributes to some extent in weight loss. One should chew and much each bite. The food should be fully grounded before being swallowed. Swallowing chunks of food in a hurry makes a person overeat.

Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

All about ALLI – An Effective Weight Loss Pill

Today, over weight is one of the sad stories of our modern generation, from which numerous individuals are suffering. This dilemma is slowly and progressively growing giving apprehension to authority in sectors of health around the world. Many companies are now doing big time business with various products to overcome this health disaster. One of these companies is ALLI who have come out with a weight loss pill for the cure of loosing weight.

The weight loss pill, which was made by GlaxoSmithKline, was one of the first drugs to enter the market having FDA approval. It was sold over the counter and known to have resulted in shedding more pounds than your normal dieting. In fact figures show an individual can loose 50% and if followed by their diet plan in an appropriate manner one could loose weekly a couple of kilos.

The components that make up the weight loss pills are designed so that they adhere to the enzymes that are present in our body, resulting in breaking up of fat that enters. This way, the pill does the task of preventing these natural enzymes that are present from grasping the fat that goes through a process of exiting out of our body in a natural way. This process helps to prevent the body to digest nearly 25% of the fat that is accumulated in a single meal which we devour.

During the whole procedure it works in a secure manner not affecting Carbohydrates and proteins, but works with those enzymes which need to break fat, hence rest of the enzymes remain unaffected to carry out their normal duties.

Results of the diet pill have found its way to the trust of many dieters as well as non dieters who find the qualities very satisfactory. This hype should not be taken lightly as the pill is not a magic drug but just a tool to assist in weight loss.

To achieve effective results it his needed to adhere to a perfect diet along with regular exercises along with the intake of the pill. The final and most important suggestion for your weight loss program is that these diet pills are taken under the medical supervision of your family doctor, who is basically aware of your medical history. This is very critical in cases of pregnancy and those suffering from kidney problems.

Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

The Weight Loss Pill- What Exactly it is?

The life trend led today is fast and furious where people do not have the time to be bothered about them. This type of living encourages the race to eat as they please not giving any consideration to the intake of foods, which leads to one of the well known killer dieses called “Obesity”. It is a known fact that obesity is one of the fatal causes of life and that it rapidly increases the risk of diseases that damage health and knock years off life. That is why today the world is realizing that being flabby and becoming unattractive have become issues of serious matter and want to take the quick way out to lose weight quickly rather than how to lose weight.

In today’s world, the weight loss industry is big business, with weight loss pills or diet supplements being launched by various companies to contend with obesity and excess weight. But do these weight loss pills really work?

Out in the market, over the counter there is a wide range of weight loss pills available, but these pills do not work in the same manner for all as each individual has his own chemical make-up and physical formation. Doctors today prescribe theseweight loss pills to those who have health related problems as a result of being overweight.

The FDA has given approval to Sibutramine and Orlistat as two frequently used weight loss drugs, although regular use of these drugs may have severe side effects like diarrhea, bloating, insomnia and high blood pressure. When combined with a balanced diet and regular exercises the intake of the weight loss pill can improve the general health and reduce fat intake of an individual.

There is no guarantee on the success of these pills, it may work for some instantly and may take a longer time for others or even not have any results. There is also a chance of regaining weight when the consumption of these pills is discontinued. You need to carefully study and evaluate the long term consequences of taking theseweight loss pills, and this decision of weight reducing should be backed by a doctor.

To arrive to an assumption, taking weight loss pills are not your only ticket to loosing weight. This step is to be taken along with your doctor’s advice, a healthy diet and of course a regular physical exercise.

Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

Tips To Lose Weight without Dieting

1-Starch at dinner time

Starch can be a part of your meals provided you eat them in an appropriate meal. Dinner time is said to preferable for starch content food. Day meals must contain more greens and dairy products. However even here if starch can be avoided it will help you to avoid gaining unnecessary weight. Opt for vegetables, fruits or ice creams for desert rather than having pastries or bread products.

2-Junk food habits

People who enjoy junk food should restrict themselves to junk food only for once in the day and specifically for the night meal. In the day one should eat healthy food. The day should not start off with unhealthy food habits.

3-Exercise before eating junk and not after

One should exercise before eating junk food and not after. There is a misconception that you can burn off the calories. Whereas the truth is if you exercise before eating the junk, your metabolism will be active enough to manage the calorie intake.

4-Opt for chocolate over cake

If you have a liking for sweet items then preferably eat more of the actual sweet food like ice creams, chocolates, custards .frozen yoghurt etc and avoid the bakes like muffins, cakes, breads and biscuits.

5-Avoid calorie drink

It is preferable to have tea, coffee, and normal water than fluids that contain a lot of calories. Drinks like fruits juices, colas and frizzy drink have high content of calories.

6-Avoid the 3+2 plan

Have 3 meals in a day, with snacks whenever u feels like it. Snacks should include fruits, yoghurt and nuts. Avoid having junk for snacks. Do not follow the 3 meals plus 2 snacks a day programme that many diet plans talk about. Snack can be taken any number of times.

7-Eat Salads

One should have a higher nutritional diet than a diet with a lot of calories. Having a lot of salads preferably for your lunch meal will help you stay healthy and thus have no calorie intake. Remember to have healthy salads like greens with tuna or chicken

8-Meal-Replacement Shakes must be avoided

Meal replacement shakes should not become a habit for you. It is only recommended to take it once in a while when solid food can either not be digested or of lack of time for a proper sit down meal. One must always choose to have solid food rather than these shakes. They contribute to the slowing down of the person’s metabolism as it requires less energy to break down fluids rather than solid food.

Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

Monday 10 August 2009

Free Weight Loss Tips: 4 Positive Ways To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

In order to lose weight successfully, you first have to realize that losing weight is a journey with a specific destination. Right now, you’re at the very beginning and about to take the first step towards changing your eating and lifestyle habits, so that you can have the body you really want.

Of course, this isn’t going to be easy – nothing worthwhile ever is. You should pat yourself on the back for making a commitment to yourself that you’re finally ready to do this. So many people can’t even make it this far. So, in a sense, you’re already ahead of the game.

Your goal should be to lose one or two pounds a week, if you lose more than that, great, but don’t push for it. You want to stay mentally focused, healthy and determined. If you push too hard, or try to force your body to lose big numbers, then you’ll eventually stress yourself out and hit a wall that may lead to failure.

Here’s some suggestions that you can use to create a successful weight loss plan:

Set a Reasonable Goal

Your first step should be to decide how much weight you want to lose. Get some 3x5 index cards and write one goal or positive statement down on each one. Start by writing down your ideal weight, this is your ultimate big goal.

Next, you want to set smaller goals for yourself. Write down a goal for losing five pounds, then ten pounds, twenty pounds, etc.

Write down some positive motivational statements about yourself.

“I love myself unconditionally”

“I’m a great person inside and outside”

“I’m going to smile and laugh today”

“I deserve this and I’m worth it”

Keep these cards where you’ll be able to look at them every day.

Eat Smaller Portions More Often

Growing up you were probably taught to eat three meals a day. You were also probably taught to clean your plate. While this schedule of eating meals is well-intentioned, the fact is that you are going to get hungry between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner.

Not only are you probably having a large portion for each meal, but you are also snacking on junk food in between. Unfortunately, this way of eating leads to a lot of weight gain. It’s been proven that if you eat several small meals during the day, you won’t get hungry between meals and when you do, it’s easier to snack on something that has less calories.

Plan to eat five small meals a day, instead of three, and see if that helps to curb your food cravings.

Keep a Food Journal

Just like a diary is a snippet of events that happen in your life, a food journal helps you to keep track of what you’re really putting into your mouth on a daily basis. You probably have a mental picture of what you normally eat, but when you see it in writing, you may be surprised at all the extra foods you’re eating without even thinking about it.

Write down what you ate, what time you ate it, and how you felt when you ate that particular food. Sometimes when we eat certain “comfort foods” we’re really trying to use food to fill up an emotional hole in our hearts.

Feelings of loneliness, boredom, stress, anger and low-self esteem are often triggers for food binging. Write it down and you can go back and evaluate it later.

Treat Yourself

When you reach one of your weight loss goals, go ahead and treat yourself to something special. The only catch is that your reward cannot be a food item. That’s right, you will not have a bowl of ice cream or a big slice of pizza.

You want to mentally get away from thinking of food as a reward or a security blanket. So, think of some other things that will put a smile on your face. Money is always a good reward. Maybe you can create a reward jar and pay yourself five dollars for every milestone achieved. You could go on a nice shopping spree after you’ve reached your final goal weight.

You could also buy yourself some fresh flowers, a nice pair of earrings, a new video game, a new tie, etc.

Another great idea is to make up your own reward coupon books.

I hope these tips are helpful and that you are successful in creating a healthier and happier new you.

The Best Weight Loss Programs Guaranteed to Help You Lose Weight Quickly!

Weight issue is just one of the most common problems today and there are a huge number of people who are suffering from weight problems. Obesity is one of the problems that were being experienced by people around the world; surely you are not the only one who is suffering from this.

There are a lot of weight loss techniques that were developed to help people loss the excess weight that they have. Generally speaking, we can characterize those weight loss techniques into three: surgery, diet pills, and last would be the natural technique.

Surgical procedure was known to be the most expensive type of weight loss technique since it requires procedures that can only be done by professionals. This type of weight loss technique is risky especially if not performed carefully and properly - there are a lot of medical equipments that are used in this type of procedure that is why it is very much expensive compared to other techniques.

Diet pills would be the next type of technique that you can use since there are a lot of diet pills available in the market today. Each of them claims to have effective ingredients or contents that would help the human body when it comes to burning fats.

The third would be the natural way of losing weight which is considered to be healthy - exercises or workouts that were extracted from best weight loss programs. This type of technique to lose weight is the most natural and safest way that a person can apply to himself, guaranteed no side effects or anything bad that will affect you body.

Compared to the first two techniques, best weight loss programs for exercising or workouts is the only weight loss technique which doesn't have any risk or side effects. Surgeries if not done correctly or properly will result to hazardous effects to the body and can even cause death, on the other hand, diet pills can cause some negative effects to the human body system; some examples would be palpitation, heart attack, diarrhea and so on. If you will use the natural way of losing weight like exercising you won't have to think about any side effects since exercising is a great way of converting fats into energy.

Throughout every country there seems to be some big number of people who suffer from obesity and one way of fighting such problem would be through engaging yourself into best weight loss programs which can be conducted as a community.

If you are interested in knowing the advantages of engaging yourself into the best weight loss programs, within a community, first of all you will be encouraged about the fact that there are so many people like you who are interested in losing weight and you will be able to interact with them and help each other throughout the whole process. Another advantage of best weight loss programs that would be done within a community is that you'll have the chance to lose weight and enjoy what you are doing at the same time.

Weight Loss Food - Which Foods Should You Choose to Lose Weight?

The most successful way to lose weight is to eat weight loss food. These are low-calorie foods. According to weight loss experts successful weight loss should be one pound per week.

To quote from a saying "a person is what he eats." The size of the body of a person shows the food that he eats. Pork chops, fried chicken, potatoes, cheese, cakes and chocolates makes a person fat or even obese! It is not bad to enjoy every meal that a person eat as long as it is in moderate way. There are some foods that a person can eat and at the same can help him lose weight.

These foods should be shared with the help of healthy foods like green leafy vegetables, food that burns energy like red rice and wheat bread. It is also wise to take note of what types of meats and fish that do not have fat. There are lean meats that can be eaten with other foods that promote fat burning effect inside the body.

By discriminately examining this different foods before eating them, weight loss will be evident, extra pounds will gradually shed off. Since the main objective of weight loss is to lose excess weight in a healthy way, a person trying to lose weight should pick a diet that will help promote weight loss.

In order to have a full knowledge of weight loss food, there are some recommended options to research for. These foods can be found in diet and cook books that focus on weight loss. Another way is to research via internet to find these types of foods.

It is not difficult to identify these types of foods, in fact it can easily be found in the supermarkets and groceries. These can be as simple as onions, bananas, apples and other fruits and vegetables. This just a short list of weight loss food that a person who wants to lose weight can eat in order to shed off those unwanted fats, well, if there is a long list of the common weight loss food, there is a list of uncommon weight loss food like lobster.

It is indeed true that lobster is one of these uncommon weight loss foods, of course with the butter and dressings; still it permits to burn fats which the body has already absorbed. Edible frogs are also qualified as weight loss foods. Frogs are considered food that can help to lose weight because they are like chicken meat.

Weight loss foods are just the ordinary food that are consume on the dinning table everyday. These are just usual meals. They can also be fun to eat like any other food in a fancy restaurant. It is recommended that in order to enjoy these foods through cooking and baking then a nice and good presentation.

In order to be successful in losing weight, it is essential to choose what food to eat carefully. There should be a change in lifestyle and eating habit in order to lose weight effectively.

Friday 29 May 2009

Top 5 Weight Loss Diet Pills For Successful Weight Loss

There are so many different weight loss pills and diet supplements available online that it is practically impossible to sort out the good ones – the ones that really work and help people, and the bad ones – those that don’t work and are complete waste of money.

The funny thing is that the trashy diet pills products prevail in number over the good ones. This is due to the facts that you don’t need time for tests on a new crappy weight loss pill product. Just warp it up in a shiny pack with beautiful name and a bunch of unknown “herbal” and “healthy” ingredients list on the pack and you are done. Ready for the next “great” weight loss product? Oh, yeah, you’ve got plenty of time.

This is pretty much the scheme. But don’t fall into the trap of the number of ingredients, the pretty catchy name of the product, or the multiple ads you see all over, or the number of items that are said to be sold already. All these mean nothing, so don’t allow them to blur your judgment and to end up buying some crappy product that promises magic weight loss results in no time.

On the contrary - the good weight loss pills products are made of herbal and originally grown herbs, or from imported ones from China, Japan, Africa and other parts of the world specialized in particular herbs grow. The chemical tests and analysis of the ingredients and their blend takes time. The tests on the final product also take time.

In fact, it may take a couple of years before a diet pill product actually hit the market. But when it does you can be 100% sure that this weight loss pill product is completely safe and features unique properties that can help you lose weight successfully without unwanted side effects.

This is the advantage of the good diet pills – the quality, the tests that prove they really work and the guaranteed safe weight loss effect.

Let’s get to the point… Which weight loss diet pills truly deserve your attention and aren’t just hype. Also are proven to work and have certificates for maximum quality. Well, our scientists have been doing tests and researches all the time, here is what we recommend:

Hoodia Gordonii Plus

This is definitely the Number 1 most effective appetite suppressant ever made from the original African Hoodia cactus. But that’s not all – it’s also great metabolism booster, fat burner and energy enhancer. What else do you need to lose weight, burn fat and feel full of energy? Nothing. Hoodia Gordonii Plus thermogenic ingredients will support you through your weight loss journey.

Hoodia Chaser

Many people would prefer this liquid form of pure Hoodia Gordonii extract, as it is much faster absorbed into your body and starts working immediately. It is better that the Hoodia Gordonii Plus pills, but as long as time to take effect is concerned. Just a few drops of the Hoodia Chaser liquid curb your appetite within no time.

Which form you choose – the pill or the liquid, it’s up to you. In either case you get what you are paying for – successful and safe weight loss results without starvation, hard dieting and bad mood.

Avatrim Dietary Supplement

Avatrim is the new hit on the market for weight loss products containing green tea. It’s no wonder, though. The Green Tea 300 weight loss system is gone for good and now is time for the new, better product – Avatrim dietary supplement.

It has pretty unique blend that contains pure green tea extract combined with vitamins, amino acids and other natural and very potent thermogenic ingredients that are clinically proven to help you lose weight.

Do you remember how does green tea extract worked? It increases your body metabolic rate and energy expenditure, which accelerates weight reduction and fat burn. All this applies to Avatrim as well, so you still can have your healthier and happier lifestyle, while trimming down the extra pounds with Avatrim dietary supplement.

Dietrine Carb Blocker

Whatever meal you’ve had, Dietrine Carb Blocker will block the absorption of up to 1125 calories from your from fat and carbohydrate foods. Just take one Dietrine Capsule before meal and enjoy your food.

This weight loss diet pill is for everyone who finds it difficult to cut down on delicious foods filled with carbohydrates. Yes, believe it or not you still can have your favorite carb foods without feeling guilty about it, but as long as you take the Dietrine Carb Blocker. Every diet can be delicious with this amazing carb blocker diet pills.

Hoodia Balance

Another Hoodia Gordonii weight loss pill! Oh, come on, there are two already in this list – this is what some of you may say. But wait, this is not just an ordinary Hoodia pill, this diet pill contains 750MG of 100% pure South African Hoodia, protected by authentic certificate. What a high concentration of the active ingredient – is what you may say now. Well, this is Hoodia Balance, feel free to try it and I promise you won’t be sorry!

In conclusion

These was the list of the top five most effective weight loss diet pills (and drops) available on the market right now. They are being used by many people like you, who are trying to lose weight safely and keep it off for good.

Now you can stop searching for the best weight loss pills, cause here they are, just choose the one that suits your needs and you are sure to have what’s best for you.

Lose Weight Kids in Weight Loss Camps!

Do you know that not only older people are problematic with their weight? Do you know that there are also kids who are too heavy for their age that want to eliminate some of them? Kids nowadays understand the importance of figure in their lives that is why they really do some sort of things that can help them in attaining their status and their desired body figure.

But the thing is this, even kids understand that there are easier way that they can lose some weight that is why what they do is they try to imitate what the older people are doing. So, they also take some pills and they do try desperate thing because due to immaturity and lack of decision skill, they easily fall on criticisms and words from their friends and neighbors who tease them.

As older people, we must see to it that we can protect them from harm that is why it is better to engage tem to activities that can really solve their problems at the same time, can protect them from further harm and different actions that may endanger them. So what is the answer? Then definitely, weight loss camp for kids is the answer to their problems. They can now lose their weight at the same time, have fun while learning methods on how to lose their weight.

Weight loss camp for kids is specifically designed to cater the needs of younger people for them to be able to lose some of their weight in an enjoyable way. It is better for them to do this and understand that losing weight is somehow serious and it needs commitment and dedication in achieving your goals. As kids, they will be trained to look that life is tough and what you should do is be responsible and committed at the same time, enjoy it.

Another enjoyable part of this is that, they can actually enjoy the camp because they get the chance to meet other people, other kids in the venue that have the same problems like them. In way, they will be able to make friends and make contacts in case that they need help from the perspective of kids like them.

Kids are very difficult to handle but this camp uses professionals that can help them in making the kids understand what they are doing and for them to know that it is important to understand every single instruction that they will say. Weight loss camp for kids is definitely challenging activity but at the same time, it will really help so many kids out there having problems on their weights.

Weight loss camp for kids is definitely needed nowadays that we are having information overload due to easy access of information, they might try some tips over the Internet that may threaten their lives. So protect them and solve their problems. Engage them in weight loss camp for kids and you will see the result once they knew the effect and the process involving in losing weight.

Weight Loss Tea - The Healthy Way to Lose Weight

Is it true that drinking tea is a healthy way to lose weight? We are now aware of how famous tea variants are working well in the bodies to help health conscious people to lose weight. However, though reported to be effective, still some people are saying that weight loss tea will become effective only when taken in combination with other diet plans.

If you are really looking only for the best and the most reliable and most effective method to lose weight in life, you should add drinking tea to your daily diet or regimen. It will not only help you lose those extra pounds, but it will also aid in keeping your body fit especially when taken in combination with other healthy supplements.

Drinking tea is not new to us; in fact it has long been consumed in different countries like in India and China. Tea is famous to its numerous health benefits and relaxing effects. If you are looking for the best and most successful process or method to lose weigh; experts say that drinking tea daily should be considered. It will help you lose weight, but at the same time will also support your body and will keep you physically fit.

There are two popular teas available in the market and these are:

1. Chamomile
2. Green tea

Chamomile is known for its soothing effect. Relaxing the mind and the body and induces sleep - ideal for those having insomnia or difficulty sleeping. While green tea is known as weight loss tea and is recommended for people who want to reduce and eliminate fats. These two are just few of the types of teas available in the market.

Overall, tea whether green tea or not is really helpful in maintaining a healthy body because its antioxidant. A couple cup of tea were said to helpful in preventing cancers such as the following;

1. Bladder cancer
2. Breast cancer
3. Esophageal cancer
4. Colorectal
5. Lung cancer
6. Pancreatic
7. Skin
8. Prostate cancer
9. Stomach cancer, among few conditions

A series of studies made in the past have proven that a regular intake of tea is exceptionally favorable especially when it comes to any weight loss desire. Tea helps you boost your metabolism and helps in burning calories in the body quicker and faster.

Regular consumption of tea everyday does not help alone in weight loss, but also improves your digestive system by promoting regular and healthy bowel movements. Weight loss tea is also very effective and reliable when it comes to controlling blood sugar level. As you know, if a person has a high blood sugar level it is possible that they feel hungry most of the time and which results to urge to eat more.

So maintain a regular blood sugar level with regular consumption of weight loss tea such as green tea would help you to have a successful weight loss. Start taking your weight loss tea now, there are numerous ways to enjoy it -- you can either take it on tea bags, fresh leaves or in form of supplements which are all effective.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

The Secret to Weight Loss Success - Simple Strategies Revealed

Many of us are creatures of habit, especially as we age. We buy the same foods from the same stores, and prepare the same dishes over and over again. It's no wonder that we are bored. If you are serious about weight loss, and you are ready to embrace the journey, then you will need to shake things up. This not only means eating healthier and losing weight, but most importantly eliminating ALL your bad habits that affect your relationship with food. You are going to need to think differently about how you conduct your life and the choices you make.

Losing weight may not be easy, but it doesn't have to be painful. In fact, the weight loss process may just be the most empowering experience you will ever have. Once you make the conscious effort to stick to some simple strategies, weight loss will soon become a distant memory, one which you should not have to re-visit again. The following is a weight loss plan of action compiled by top trainers, dieticians, and wellness experts.

-Set realistic goals. Avoid the "fad diets" and supplements at all costs.

-Keep a food diary. Record everything you eat - everything. This is your bible.

-Don't skip breakfast.

-Make one easy change to your diet at a time. Start small and don't get overwhelmed. Remember, the most important thing here is to be consistent.

-Keep portions under control. Portion your food into four or five small meals throughout the day. Use smaller plates and make the food look appealing. Presentation is everything!

-Eat half your meal. When out in a restaurant, have the server wrap up half your meal before you start eating, or share your meal with a friend or spouse.

-Read food labels and keep track of calories. Don't obsess about the calories - just eat foods that are low in fat and avoid sweets and alcohol.

-Substitute fruits and vegetables for higher calorie snacks. Focus more on what you can add, (i.e.: whole grains, fruit and vegetables, and lean proteins), rather than what you are giving up.

-Have healthy snacks on hand, wherever you are. Whether at home, out shopping, or in the car, a snack should always be accessible in case you get hungry.

-Increase your physical activity, and choose exercises that can be easily integrated into your lifestyle. Combining cardio with strength training, along with a healthy diet, is the key to effective weight loss. Strength training is better for long-term weight loss than dieting, because eating fewer calories lowers the body's metabolic rate, adjusting to the fewer calories taken in. After depriving the body by dieting for a while, it takes fewer calories to regain the weight (proof that fad diets don't work). Strength training however, helps in weight loss by increasing muscle mass so that the body burns more calories, even when at rest. The cardio activity will help get your heart rate up and increase your body's endurance and efficiency.

-Be accountable. Weigh-in in front of someone, if possible.

-Get enough sleep. Try to achieve at least 7-8 hours a night.

-Look at the big picture. Feeling good in your own skin by making healthy choices, will keep you motivated to stay on track.

Article Source:

Need An Easy New Year's Diet Recipe? Discover 5 Steps To The Best Diet For Life

So, it's New Year's resolution time again. Are you preparing for the umpteenth New Year's diet recipe? Which one will it be this time around? The cookie diet, the cayenne pepper diet, the Suzanne Somers diet, the maple syrup diet, a rapid weight loss pill, or one of the other quick weight loss fads of the moment? Why don't you join me in making this New Year's diet a common sense occasion? Let's take a look at 5 easy-to-take steps that can introduce you to the best diet for life. Steps that stop yo-yo dieting permanently, while ensuring fat loss and a healthy, toned body.

Step 1. Don't Get Ripped Off With Rapid Weight Loss Pills And Potions

We have all seen the ads:

Lose 10 pounds in 3 days.
30 Pounds in 30 days.
Drop 2 sizes in 2 weeks without exercise.
Vibrate your way to a slim figure.
Shake off 50 pounds of fat with magical shakes.

The weight loss industry knows its vulnerable target market intimately - especially when it comes to New Year diets. These innovative marketers are very much aware of the buttons they need to push to get you to part with your hard-earned cash. The two main themes are instant gratification and anything that sounds like an easy, quick fix.

Let's use our common sense. The weight came on over a long period. The bad habits weren't formed overnight. How can we expect to lose all the 'bad stuff' overnight and keep it off for life? If we don't change our lifestyles, the unwelcome pounds will just come piling back - and invite a bunch of friends to boot. How many times have you dropped a number of pounds in a short period, only to gain it back with dividends within an even shorter period? Isn't it time to say: 'Enough'?

Step 2. Use Your New Year's Diet To Lose Fat, Not Water And Muscle

It is fairly easy to lose weight. It is much harder to keep it off. If you want to be successful in your weight loss efforts, you need to keep a close watch on your body composition. If you are losing water and muscle, you are not doing your body any favors. In fact, you will be slowing down your metabolism, causing an even greater weight gain headache.

If you choose the road of patience, you will be more likely to lose the fat, without putting your metabolism on a go-slow strike in the process. There simply is no way to do this overnight. Your target should be to lose around 2 pounds per week. Use tools such as a skinfold caliper to check that you are in fact losing fat. This can be done at home, but you may get more accurate results at a health club.

Step 3. Throw Out The Shakes, Meal Replacements And Starvation Tactics

The best diet for life should include a new healthstyle for your whole family. You can't live on meal replacements or cabbage soup. Your body and mind will never be satisfied with a shake in place of a filling, chewy, delicious, aromatic meal. Meal replacements can never be long-term solutions. They simply put your body into a sort of starvation mode, which is why you simply gain the weight again when the diet is 'over'. You need a diet and nutrition plan you can maintain for life.

Frankly, we have been made to enjoy good food. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, we can and should even feel free to 'cheat' from time to time and enjoy a treat, without losing the weight battle. Try not to make food an issue. Teach your kids to prepare food in a healthy low-fat way, and they will never have reason to deprive and punish themselves with starvation diets. We need the aroma, the textures, the beautiful colors and the pleasure of good, healthy food. Make that part of your New Year diet recipe.

Step 4. Take Out A Calculator And Learn To Do The Math

Perhaps we should stop thinking in terms of a New Year's diet altogether. If you need to drop 10 or 30 or even 100 pounds, you can do this by simply making a few sums and changing some habits. You will not even feel deprived. Did you know that you could save 22,000 calories and lose around 6 pounds of fat in a year by simply switching from whole milk to skim milk? Or that by reducing your daily mayonnaise habit by one tablespoon daily, you could make another 9 pounds of flab and fat disappear over 12 months? This without taking any other steps.

Do some research and find other examples that can easily be incorporated into your new family healthstyle. Get the kids involved and they will soon discover that they only need to make smarter food choices. What can be easier than this? You can even give a prize to the family member who comes up with the most useful New Year diet suggestion.

Step 5. Make Family Activity A Fun Part Of Every Day

If you want to change the size of your butt, you have to drop the 'but' and start exercising. There simply is no other choice - you move, and the fat will start to move. Excuses and inactivity won't get you into that skin-tight pair of jeans. Don't have the cash for a gym membership? No problem. There are many affordable fitness equipment tools for home use. Put on some of the best workout music, and get an exercise ball workout going. Or set the kid in you free with an urban rebounder exercise routine.

Frankly, you don't even need to buy any special equipment. How about a brisk walk or a family bike ride daily? Twenty to thirty minutes of activity 5 days a week, will make a huge difference. Your metabolism will be revved up, enabling you to burn fat faster, even while you sleep. Used to saying 'I just have to look at a piece of pie to gain 5 pounds'? When your metabolism starts to work efficiently, this problem will disappear. You will find that extra pounds begin to look for another host. You can also add workouts with free weights. The extra muscle mass will become like a furnace when it comes to burning calories. Doesn't this sound like a new year diet recipe for success?

Aren't these 5 common sense steps all doable and affordable? If you need more guidance when it comes to nutrition and a weight loss cardio workout, you can tap into the knowledge of experts who know exactly what you need to do to burn the fat, while you feed the muscle.

Isn't it time to forget about yet another apple cider vinegar diet? Isn't it time to take the first steps in the direction of a new healthstyle, while putting together your family's New Year's diet?

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Sunday 8 February 2009

6 Burn Fat Fast Secrets For A Firm, Well-Toned, Celebrity-Style Beach Body

How to burn fat fast seems to be one of the most frequently asked questions these days. Do you struggle with food and weight loss from the moment you open your eyes in the morning? Do you constantly scan advertisements for new diet books, weight loss pills and potions? From celebrities to ordinary Joe's are jostling to get their hands on the latest fad. Somehow, each new product sounds just a tad more enticing and promising than the previous one, leading to a new stampede by a crowd of hopefuls. Do any of these burn fat fast fads work in the long run, or are they just lining the pockets of creative and innovative marketers? What are the six secrets that are really effective in the fat loss and muscle building race?

Secret 1: There Is No Quick Fat Fix

Sorry, folks. There really is no magical pound-melting potion on this earth. Not if you want a health body anyway, and most definitely not if you want a long-term solution. If you desire lasting good looks, or want to look after your man's health, it will take some work and planning. There simply is no quick fix. Burn fat fast solutions don't come in pill form.

Secret 2: Learning To Change Your Mind

The mistake many people make is to take on the weight loss challenge only on a physical level. Burning fat fast has as much to do with your psychological make-up as your physical weight. If you can harness the astounding powers of your mind, you will experience the fat loss success you crave. Step number one may be to find out if there is a behind-the-scenes reason why you hang onto your overweight image. There may be some kind of psychological pay-off. The extra weight may be a sort of safety buffer between you and the world out there.

Alternatively you may simply have conditioned yourself into believing that this is who you are. You may have been conditioned into making unhealthy food choices. Why not see the change as a new adventure? Why not make it fun to discover for yourself why one option is better than another? In the process you will also be teaching your kids not to stuff their faces mindlessly. Change your thinking and you will change your body.

Secret 3: Exercise Your Emotions

If your aim is to burn fat fast, it is vital to identify the times when you usually hit the fridge for emotional reasons. This can happen when you are bored, lonely, sad, happy, or excited. Don't try to white-knuckle it. If you can manage to get an alternative plan of action into place ahead of time, you will be more likely to succeed. It is much better to replace an established habit with a new action when that craving hits, such as brushing your teeth, going for a walk, dancing to upbeat music, perhaps drinking a glass of water or vegetable juice, or calling a friend. If you can just get through those few minutes, the feeling is very likely to pass. Once you have done this a few times, it will become easier and you will begin to feel more in control and that much better about yourself. This in itself will help to lessen the cravings.

Secret 4: Motivation To Move Muscles

No one is talking about becoming a female body builder here. You probably don't crave bulging muscles. The whole idea is to aim for extra weight you can put down when you're done! Of course, a lean and toned look is always attractive and will probably help to improve your self-image. The main thing is to get your metabolism revved up in the right way. Working with weights is one part of it, but you also need a cardio component to get the burn-fat-fast effect.

One possibility is to use a treadmill or elliptical trainer to move into your target training zone in as short a period as possible. Then downgrade to a lower intensity and try to keep this up for around 20 minutes or so. Before you know it, this form of fat burning exercise will have your body showing amazing changes. Not only will you be developing a lean look while dropping pounds, but you will be less likely to pick up weight so easily.

Secret 5: Get A Lifestyle-Lift

Burn fat fast solutions have much more to do with the choices you make, than with a particular diet. You need to adopt a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. What good is it to go on this or that diet for a month, or to drink a weight loss pill for a few weeks? What happens on the first day of the next month? You probably head straight back to all your old habits. Before you know it, the weight you have lost, plus a few extra pounds reappear like old friends.

Why not learn to make smarter food choices instead? Doing just a few things differently may give you the boost you need. If you do the math, small changes such as switching to low fat cooking and eating, or decreasing your sugar intake slightly all add up. With a bit of planning, you can be right on schedule to drop a 100 pounds in a year, without a strict diet. Why not do some internet research to find out where you can make changes that will not leave you feeling deprived?

Secret 6: Clean Your Cupboards

Yes, Dr. Phil has been saying it all along. If it ain't there, it can't attach itself to your hips. Burning fat fast requires cleaning up your environment. How about initiating a kitchen spring clean? It will probably break your heart to throw out all the 'good' stuff you have in the house, but just imagine it all packing onto your thighs in the form of ugly lumps of fat... Better chuck it out, than chugging it around on you.

The thing is, there are going to come times when you will be vulnerable to eating just for the sake of eating. It takes a while to replace old habits with new tactics. Doesn't it make sense to make sure that the stuff that usually trips you up simply isn't in the house in the first place? At the same time you will be teaching your kids to make healthier food choices.

To burn fat fast is often more of a challenge for women. Remember that every woman's body composition is unique. If you can manage to love yourself and love your body, and stop being so fixated on diets, your life will take on a completely different color. Isn't developing a healthy body image a great gift you can give your kids? You probably don't even need scales and a body fat calculator to know if you need to firm up and drop some pounds. The way your clothes fit will tell you this quite clearly.

With a bit of homework and a handful of common sense you will find it easy to burn fat fast permanently and safely.

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7 Surefire Ways To Shed 7 Pounds In 14 Days

The search for ways to speed up your weight loss is over. With these seven tips, you can be seven pounds lighter in the next two weeks. Be ready to make some changes, but your thinner self will thank you.

Make water your best friend

While it should come as no surprise that water is your best weapon in weight loss, some still haven’t caught on. By increasing your water consumption to six to eight glasses a day, you will help you body flush out toxins that are impeding the weight that you want to lose.

Water helps to speed digestion as well as many other processes in your body. And if your body is running more smoothly, then you can burn more calories along the way.

A new appetizer

If you’re looking to cut back on the foods that you’re eating, here’s a trick that works for anyone. Start your lunches and dinners off with a small cup of soup. Of course, the soup shouldn’t be cream based; a broth will work very well.

The warm soup will help to make your stomach feel fuller so that you eat less at the meal that follows. This is also a good trick if you are going out to eat. Have that bowl of soup before you go to curb your temptation for larger portions.

Take away the salt

A lot of the extra weight people carry is due to a large intake of salt. Salt can be found in many of the things that we consider healthy—frozen lunches, canned soups, and condiments.

Take some time over the next two weeks to look at the labels of the things that you eat to see how much salt (as sodium) are in the foods that you have been eating. Avoiding prepackaged foods is the best way to remove the salt from your diet.

Take away the sugars

While we don’t want to admit it, sugar is keeping us overweight and unhappy. And sugar isn’t just a candy bar or a milkshake, it’s also in the white breads and pastas that we love.

But if you want to lose weight, it’s time to find better ways of eating. This can include switching to brown rice and whole wheat bread. And of course, limiting your sugary snacks to once in a great while.

Get moving

When you’re trying to lose weight, you need to start exercising. If you haven’t exercised before, you’re in luck. Studies have shown that you can walk just a few times a week and burn the calories that you want to burn.

Thirty minutes a day is the best way to lose seven pounds in two weeks, but if you don’t have that much time, try to split it up over the course of the day—say ten minutes three times a day, or just try to fit in three good thirty minute walks a week.

Slow down

One of the main things that trigger overeating is not taking time for your self. When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s essential that you set aside a little time each day for you and you alone. By giving yourself some quiet time, you’ll be able to slow down and remember that you’re worth the extra effort that you’re putting in to lose weight.

Just like mom said

And don’t forget about your fruits and veggies. Though fruits do contain sugar, they also contain fewer calories than your traditional sugary snacks.

If you really want to jumpstart some weight loss, eat steamed vegetables at every meal. Not only do they have a slightly diuretic effect (makes you lose water weight), but they also energize your body to keep making great choices.

When you want to lose weight, you need help, but with these tips, you have everything you need.

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Is The Zone Diet Weight Loss Program Healthy?

Most of us have heard of Atkin's diet which calls for almost a complete carbohydrate cut from our diet for the first 2 weeks (induction phase)and then to add carbohydrate to our meals progressively thereafter. Whilst there are many success stories for this weight loss diet, there are also many criticisms claiming that Atkin's diet weight loss program is very unhealthy.

Well, to me, most weight loss diets are unhealthy. Anyway, I find Doctor Barry Sear's zone diet as one of the better or healthier weight loss diet. Please do note that I am not advocating dieting alone as a weight loss plan and strategy. I believe to lose weight and to keep the extra weight off permanently, we must combine healthy eating habits with regular exercise.

So what is the Zone Diet weight loss program?

The Zone Diet plan advocates protein-carb-fat balance in our meals. Very much like eating balanced meals.

Protein In Zone Diet

Our body needs a constant supply of protein as proteins are our body's building blocks. This is the reason why zone diet meals start with low-fat protein. Proteins stimulate glucagon production, a hormone that helps our body to release stored carbohydrates (glycogen) from our liver to maintain blood sugar levels for the brain. However, we should not consume protein in an amount bigger than the size and thickness of the palm of your hand, said Dr Barry Sears.

The protein serving should occupy one third of our dining plate because our body cannot use more protein than that (for ordinary folks who are not into building muscles).

Do choose the leanest protein as there are likely fats in your meal and saturated fat in any weight loss diet program should be kept low.

Carbohydrates In Zone Diet

The protein portion of a zone diet meal must be balanced and on par with the carbohydrates. Do note that not all carbs are equal. Fruits and vegetables are good carbs with a low capacity to stimulate insulin production, while other vegetables (such as carrots and potatos etc) and grain-based or refined flour products (white bread, pasta, white rice, cakes etc.) are bad carbohydrates as they are high glycemic carbs. Since the Zone diet's goal is insulin control, we must make sure that most of the carbohydrates are of the low glycemic types.

So one third of our meal should come from protein source and two thirds from good carbohydrate source like green leafy vegetables.

Fats In Zone Diet

A Zone diet meal requires fat. Good fats come in two forms: monounsaturated fats and long-chain omega-3 fats. Monounsaturated fats come from olive oil, some type of nuts aznd avocados etc. Long-chain omega-3 fats can come from fish oil.

Limit bad fats like saturated fat and trans fat. Saturated fat comes from animal meat and high-fat dairy products. Trans fats are artificial fats created by the food industry, commonly listed as partially hydrogenated oil.

Then there is a type of omega-6 fatty acid known as arachidonic acid, found mainly in fatty red meats, egg yolks and organ meats. We do need some arachidonic acid in our diet, but too of this acid much can be damaging to our health just like any other fat.

Conclusion Of The Zone Diet Weight Loss Program

Sounds like common sense balanced meals isn't it? Would you include The Zone Diet plan into your weight loss program? What do you think about The Zone Diet?

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