Saturday 26 December 2009

Effective Tips on Weight Loss

Tip # 1 – Add two vegetables or fruits to every meal eaten. This tends to fill the stomach up to a certain level, helping one to reduce to the calories consumed by eating other foods.

Tip # 2 – one should make it a regular habit to eat some snacks every four hours. Snack usually refers to fruits (like apples and oranges), string cheese, chips, pretzels and so on. It is essential to make sure that there is something in the stomach all the time. This should be done in order not to feel hungry and to prevent the urge to eat.

Tip # 3 – one should always eat breakfast. A person usually goes for many hours without eating during the night. Therefore, eating breakfast does not reduce the probability of over eating during the day.

Tip # 4 – meals should be eaten at regular intervals. Eating at inappropriate times disrupts the entire diet of the person. It is essential to strictly follow a well maintained schedule.

Tip # 5 – one should NEVER skip meals at any cost. Skipping meals is thought to be a good way of cutting on calories, but starving oneself is the biggest mistake people commit. This is because, the next meal consumed is directly converted into pure FAT. This results in gaining weight rather than losing.

Tip # 6 – it is essential to now the portions well. For instance, a single ounce of cheese is the size of a marble, a quantity of rice as much as half a cup is as big as one’s fist and three ounces of meat served is equal to the size of a pack of cards. One should divide his/her plate into two parts; one fourth should have low fat dairy products or extra lean met and three fourths of it should have fruits, vegetables, beans and grains

Tip # 7 – one should drink a lot of water. Drinking water is regarded as the most important part of a diet plan. Even as little as a single glass of water every hour would bring about drastic changes to the body. Water helps a person to eat lesser than normal, and it removes all the waste from the body. Water plays a major role in digestion. The minimum per day consumption of water must be around two to three litres.

Tip # 8 – eating slowly contributes to some extent in weight loss. One should chew and much each bite. The food should be fully grounded before being swallowed. Swallowing chunks of food in a hurry makes a person overeat.

Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

All about ALLI – An Effective Weight Loss Pill

Today, over weight is one of the sad stories of our modern generation, from which numerous individuals are suffering. This dilemma is slowly and progressively growing giving apprehension to authority in sectors of health around the world. Many companies are now doing big time business with various products to overcome this health disaster. One of these companies is ALLI who have come out with a weight loss pill for the cure of loosing weight.

The weight loss pill, which was made by GlaxoSmithKline, was one of the first drugs to enter the market having FDA approval. It was sold over the counter and known to have resulted in shedding more pounds than your normal dieting. In fact figures show an individual can loose 50% and if followed by their diet plan in an appropriate manner one could loose weekly a couple of kilos.

The components that make up the weight loss pills are designed so that they adhere to the enzymes that are present in our body, resulting in breaking up of fat that enters. This way, the pill does the task of preventing these natural enzymes that are present from grasping the fat that goes through a process of exiting out of our body in a natural way. This process helps to prevent the body to digest nearly 25% of the fat that is accumulated in a single meal which we devour.

During the whole procedure it works in a secure manner not affecting Carbohydrates and proteins, but works with those enzymes which need to break fat, hence rest of the enzymes remain unaffected to carry out their normal duties.

Results of the diet pill have found its way to the trust of many dieters as well as non dieters who find the qualities very satisfactory. This hype should not be taken lightly as the pill is not a magic drug but just a tool to assist in weight loss.

To achieve effective results it his needed to adhere to a perfect diet along with regular exercises along with the intake of the pill. The final and most important suggestion for your weight loss program is that these diet pills are taken under the medical supervision of your family doctor, who is basically aware of your medical history. This is very critical in cases of pregnancy and those suffering from kidney problems.

Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

The Weight Loss Pill- What Exactly it is?

The life trend led today is fast and furious where people do not have the time to be bothered about them. This type of living encourages the race to eat as they please not giving any consideration to the intake of foods, which leads to one of the well known killer dieses called “Obesity”. It is a known fact that obesity is one of the fatal causes of life and that it rapidly increases the risk of diseases that damage health and knock years off life. That is why today the world is realizing that being flabby and becoming unattractive have become issues of serious matter and want to take the quick way out to lose weight quickly rather than how to lose weight.

In today’s world, the weight loss industry is big business, with weight loss pills or diet supplements being launched by various companies to contend with obesity and excess weight. But do these weight loss pills really work?

Out in the market, over the counter there is a wide range of weight loss pills available, but these pills do not work in the same manner for all as each individual has his own chemical make-up and physical formation. Doctors today prescribe theseweight loss pills to those who have health related problems as a result of being overweight.

The FDA has given approval to Sibutramine and Orlistat as two frequently used weight loss drugs, although regular use of these drugs may have severe side effects like diarrhea, bloating, insomnia and high blood pressure. When combined with a balanced diet and regular exercises the intake of the weight loss pill can improve the general health and reduce fat intake of an individual.

There is no guarantee on the success of these pills, it may work for some instantly and may take a longer time for others or even not have any results. There is also a chance of regaining weight when the consumption of these pills is discontinued. You need to carefully study and evaluate the long term consequences of taking theseweight loss pills, and this decision of weight reducing should be backed by a doctor.

To arrive to an assumption, taking weight loss pills are not your only ticket to loosing weight. This step is to be taken along with your doctor’s advice, a healthy diet and of course a regular physical exercise.

Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

Tips To Lose Weight without Dieting

1-Starch at dinner time

Starch can be a part of your meals provided you eat them in an appropriate meal. Dinner time is said to preferable for starch content food. Day meals must contain more greens and dairy products. However even here if starch can be avoided it will help you to avoid gaining unnecessary weight. Opt for vegetables, fruits or ice creams for desert rather than having pastries or bread products.

2-Junk food habits

People who enjoy junk food should restrict themselves to junk food only for once in the day and specifically for the night meal. In the day one should eat healthy food. The day should not start off with unhealthy food habits.

3-Exercise before eating junk and not after

One should exercise before eating junk food and not after. There is a misconception that you can burn off the calories. Whereas the truth is if you exercise before eating the junk, your metabolism will be active enough to manage the calorie intake.

4-Opt for chocolate over cake

If you have a liking for sweet items then preferably eat more of the actual sweet food like ice creams, chocolates, custards .frozen yoghurt etc and avoid the bakes like muffins, cakes, breads and biscuits.

5-Avoid calorie drink

It is preferable to have tea, coffee, and normal water than fluids that contain a lot of calories. Drinks like fruits juices, colas and frizzy drink have high content of calories.

6-Avoid the 3+2 plan

Have 3 meals in a day, with snacks whenever u feels like it. Snacks should include fruits, yoghurt and nuts. Avoid having junk for snacks. Do not follow the 3 meals plus 2 snacks a day programme that many diet plans talk about. Snack can be taken any number of times.

7-Eat Salads

One should have a higher nutritional diet than a diet with a lot of calories. Having a lot of salads preferably for your lunch meal will help you stay healthy and thus have no calorie intake. Remember to have healthy salads like greens with tuna or chicken

8-Meal-Replacement Shakes must be avoided

Meal replacement shakes should not become a habit for you. It is only recommended to take it once in a while when solid food can either not be digested or of lack of time for a proper sit down meal. One must always choose to have solid food rather than these shakes. They contribute to the slowing down of the person’s metabolism as it requires less energy to break down fluids rather than solid food.

Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles