Wednesday 11 February 2009

The Secret to Weight Loss Success - Simple Strategies Revealed

Many of us are creatures of habit, especially as we age. We buy the same foods from the same stores, and prepare the same dishes over and over again. It's no wonder that we are bored. If you are serious about weight loss, and you are ready to embrace the journey, then you will need to shake things up. This not only means eating healthier and losing weight, but most importantly eliminating ALL your bad habits that affect your relationship with food. You are going to need to think differently about how you conduct your life and the choices you make.

Losing weight may not be easy, but it doesn't have to be painful. In fact, the weight loss process may just be the most empowering experience you will ever have. Once you make the conscious effort to stick to some simple strategies, weight loss will soon become a distant memory, one which you should not have to re-visit again. The following is a weight loss plan of action compiled by top trainers, dieticians, and wellness experts.

-Set realistic goals. Avoid the "fad diets" and supplements at all costs.

-Keep a food diary. Record everything you eat - everything. This is your bible.

-Don't skip breakfast.

-Make one easy change to your diet at a time. Start small and don't get overwhelmed. Remember, the most important thing here is to be consistent.

-Keep portions under control. Portion your food into four or five small meals throughout the day. Use smaller plates and make the food look appealing. Presentation is everything!

-Eat half your meal. When out in a restaurant, have the server wrap up half your meal before you start eating, or share your meal with a friend or spouse.

-Read food labels and keep track of calories. Don't obsess about the calories - just eat foods that are low in fat and avoid sweets and alcohol.

-Substitute fruits and vegetables for higher calorie snacks. Focus more on what you can add, (i.e.: whole grains, fruit and vegetables, and lean proteins), rather than what you are giving up.

-Have healthy snacks on hand, wherever you are. Whether at home, out shopping, or in the car, a snack should always be accessible in case you get hungry.

-Increase your physical activity, and choose exercises that can be easily integrated into your lifestyle. Combining cardio with strength training, along with a healthy diet, is the key to effective weight loss. Strength training is better for long-term weight loss than dieting, because eating fewer calories lowers the body's metabolic rate, adjusting to the fewer calories taken in. After depriving the body by dieting for a while, it takes fewer calories to regain the weight (proof that fad diets don't work). Strength training however, helps in weight loss by increasing muscle mass so that the body burns more calories, even when at rest. The cardio activity will help get your heart rate up and increase your body's endurance and efficiency.

-Be accountable. Weigh-in in front of someone, if possible.

-Get enough sleep. Try to achieve at least 7-8 hours a night.

-Look at the big picture. Feeling good in your own skin by making healthy choices, will keep you motivated to stay on track.

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