Tuesday 30 September 2008

How to Lose Body Fat Without Feeling Hungry

As you know, the ultimate goal in any weight loss program is about learning how to lose body fat. One of the challenges, though, is having to endure the feeling of constantly being hungry. In fact, this is probably one of the leading causes of why people fail to stick with a fitness plan. In this article I'm going to offer some suggestions on how to eat strategically so that you can burn off that body fat without feeling hungry.

In order to lose body fat, you must follow a specific protocol. Your body doesn't want to burn fat unless it has to. It would rather stick with carbohydrates because that's a more efficient process. So you have to create a metabolic state where the small amount of sugar (glycogen) stored in your liver is burned off. Then you can begin to burn the fat. And while this may sound easy to do, it isn't, because your stomach will let you know loud and clear that something is out of whack.

And because being in a fat burning state for too long signals starvation, your body will make it much more difficult for you to choose which type of calories to burn. Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) takes a dive and this defeats the entire purpose of getting into a fat burning state in the first place.

Here's what you already know to do:

  • Plan your meal and exercise routines in advance. Don't leave anything to chance because chances are, you will slip up if you try to wing it.
  • Make sure that you get adequate sleep. Your body will crave fat if you are constantly tired and you won't want to work out, either.
  • Watch the sodium! Unless you are willing to sweat like an oarsman on a Viking ship, you will gain water weight very quickly, which is discouraging.
  • Yo, it's 6 meals per day but you knew that, right? And you're going to exercise how often? 4 times per week aerobically. Don't squawk, just do it.
  • Build some muscle with a little resistance training. Three times per week.

And here's what you are going to ADD to your body fitness regimen to stave off the hunger pangs:

Peanut butter- Sure, it's high in fat...but also high in protein and outstanding in its ability to suppress hunger. Start with a small amount and see how effective it is. You may have to experiment a little. Try putting some on carrot sticks, or eat it with an apple. You may have to repeat this a couple of times until you know just how much is the right amount.

Dark chocolate- Unless you are one of the few who actually hates or is allergic to dark chocolate, this one is awesome for suppressing both appetite and the "It's time for a hot fudge sundae" binge mechanism. Break the squares up and have one between meals. Again, limit the amount to what cuts the hunger. Dark chocolate is also loaded with fat, a little protein, and sugar, which is why you want to be careful with this one.

Almonds- All nuts are crammed with fat. But as long as you only eat a few, your body will burn the fat for energy rather than storing it, resulting in a net fat gain of zero. Don't forget that you also get a healthy dose of protein. Good stuff.

Remember, the purpose of including these 3 foods is primarily to prevent the craving that comes with feeling hungry. You want to stay in a fat burning state as long as possible but you don't want to "starve", because if you allow hunger to rule, you will reach the point where binging is unavoidable. Eating small amounts of fat strategically rather than just carbs tends to keep the fat burning switch turned on without causing a plunge in your metabolic rate. As always, don't overdo it because these items will pack on the fat if you are reckless.

Fat. You eat (too much of) it, you wear it. Stick with a plan that includes exercise, good nutrition and adequate sleep for at least 8 to 12 weeks. Try using strategic foods when you are about to be overcome with hunger. Your body will thank you for it.

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