Saturday 26 December 2009

Effective Tips on Weight Loss

Tip # 1 – Add two vegetables or fruits to every meal eaten. This tends to fill the stomach up to a certain level, helping one to reduce to the calories consumed by eating other foods.

Tip # 2 – one should make it a regular habit to eat some snacks every four hours. Snack usually refers to fruits (like apples and oranges), string cheese, chips, pretzels and so on. It is essential to make sure that there is something in the stomach all the time. This should be done in order not to feel hungry and to prevent the urge to eat.

Tip # 3 – one should always eat breakfast. A person usually goes for many hours without eating during the night. Therefore, eating breakfast does not reduce the probability of over eating during the day.

Tip # 4 – meals should be eaten at regular intervals. Eating at inappropriate times disrupts the entire diet of the person. It is essential to strictly follow a well maintained schedule.

Tip # 5 – one should NEVER skip meals at any cost. Skipping meals is thought to be a good way of cutting on calories, but starving oneself is the biggest mistake people commit. This is because, the next meal consumed is directly converted into pure FAT. This results in gaining weight rather than losing.

Tip # 6 – it is essential to now the portions well. For instance, a single ounce of cheese is the size of a marble, a quantity of rice as much as half a cup is as big as one’s fist and three ounces of meat served is equal to the size of a pack of cards. One should divide his/her plate into two parts; one fourth should have low fat dairy products or extra lean met and three fourths of it should have fruits, vegetables, beans and grains

Tip # 7 – one should drink a lot of water. Drinking water is regarded as the most important part of a diet plan. Even as little as a single glass of water every hour would bring about drastic changes to the body. Water helps a person to eat lesser than normal, and it removes all the waste from the body. Water plays a major role in digestion. The minimum per day consumption of water must be around two to three litres.

Tip # 8 – eating slowly contributes to some extent in weight loss. One should chew and much each bite. The food should be fully grounded before being swallowed. Swallowing chunks of food in a hurry makes a person overeat.

Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

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