Saturday 6 September 2008

Three Top Ways To Natural Weight Loss

Not a day goes past without a weight loss pill or diet solution being featured on the television. In this article, we will highlight three steps that you can take to loose weight naturally and regain your confidence and a great body? This is due partly to the ever increasing slew of good food that is readily available in the USA. In the market out there, there is an increasing number of drugs that are being sold over the counter that promise to help you to loose weight. However, there is increasing medical evidence that shows that when taken over a long time, many of these weight loss products may result in some form of liver failure.

It is also known that there are many ways to loose weight naturally and this article highlights three natural ways to loose weight that you can use today.

Firstly, start learning about calorie intake and how much your body needs for your body type. The first quick way to loose weight is to choose food that has a lower calorie value. Try as a first simple step to choose food that is of a lower calorie value. Personally, I think taking large meals without snacking allows you to control your calorie intake much better than irregular meals with snacks thrown in between.

Another thing to note is the concept of the glycemic index. Health nutritionists today have learnt that there is a concept of metabolism and food that determines how fast energy gets released into your body. For example, white sugar has a high glycemic index (GI) and thus gets released into your bloodstream very fast and wheat bread for instance can make you full but gets released into your body much slower. Thus food with a lower GI, are good as they make you full less the weight gain.

Secondly, if you have not done so, start incorporating exercise into your life. Start with baby steps like walking (in safe areas) and thereafter brisk walking and maybe a little running after that. The increase in physical energy that you will get from some exercise will also bring with it an increased metabolism which will enable you to break down the food that you eat faster.

In addition, the extra energy used by due to exertion during exercise will also expend some of the calories from the good that you eat. Doing a simple calculation on your energy intake versus output will tell you whether you are gaining weight or losing weight on a net daily basis.

Thirdly, make a definite plan for weight loss. I am sure you have heard many diet plans online, be it the protein plan or some other new weight loss plan from the internet. No matter whether you have the motivation or not, every morning tell yourself aloud, that you will exercise and eat low calorie food today. Motivation is a critical part of every plan and you should attempt to motivate yourself positively to achieving your goal of weight loss.

Subconsciously, if you determine daily in your mind that you will do what it takes to achieve your ideal weight, you are actually programming your mind for weight loss success. Achieving the impossible starts with a single step so take that first mental step today.

In conclusion, choosing lower calorie food, exercising more and developing a workable weight loss plan are critical to ensuring that you can gaining a new found confidence and a better body.

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