Tuesday 2 September 2008

Weight Loss Tips

Drink cold water because it can boost your metabolism which helps burn fat off. It also takes the food cravings away by suppressing your appetite. So try this if you're still hungry after eating your meal.

Eat four to six small meals daily not three big meals for one you wont get that spare tire pot belly for two you wont slow down your metabolism and you wont lose muscle which also helps to burn the fat off. These meals should include protein carbohydrates good fats in a forty to forty five percent ratio of carbs forty to thirty five percent ratio of protein and around twenty percent ratio of fat. This keeps your sugar and insulin levels stable.

One exercise people neglect to use for increasing your metabolism in order to burn fat is squats.
This is one of the overall best exercises for building muscle increasing your lung capacity and burning fat.Another thing is to consume less calories than you use just knock off an extra five hundred calories daily and you will drop some weight.

Get adequate rest preferably go to bed early. Not getting enough to sleep increases the hormone cortisol which stores the fat that you want to lose and burns off the muscle you want to keep. Lack of sleep is your enemy the usual eight hours should be enough to keep your body burning off the fat. This will help keep your testosterone levels stable so you can keep burning fat and produce muscle.

Try to avoid high GI foods GI stands for glycemic index. These are foods that have higher amounts of blood glucose, which increase insulin when consumed. Why do you want to stay away from these carbohydrates because these are the ones that produce the fat that you don't want in the first place. Examples of these carbohydrates are most cereals, white bread, potatoes, rice, refined sugar and refined starch like cake some muffins, pastries, pancakes, and donuts etc.

Avoid saturated and and trans-fats.Trans fats are basically solidified oils. These are found in most snack foods. But you do want good fats and these are poly and mono unsaturated fats like in fish and peanuts you can also buy flaxseed oil which is a good source and you can cook with it.

And one final tip park further away from stores and restaurants so that you have to walk further and this will eventually also burn fat I have tried it before some people thought i was crazy for doing it but you know what it increased my breathing and keeps the weight under control if you don't wanna take walks around the block just try these easy tips and you will notice a difference over time.

Published At: www.Isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=42901&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

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