Tuesday 2 September 2008

Workout Routines For Weight Loss

We all know someone who eats like a horse and stays stick thin. In this article I will demonstrate a few methods on how you can increase your metabolism, along with some suggestions for workout routines for rapid weight loss.

People who eat a lot and stay slim usually have a high metabolism rate. If you are truly interested in how to increase your metabolism, there are some foods and workout routines that significantly affect weight loss. Using these methods will allow you to lose weight fast, and you won't have to eat rabbit foods or drink diet shakes for lunch!

From the most to the least effective in terms of weight loss, the cardio routines below can help you lose weight and feel more energetic:

Running: Running is an excellent form of exercise for losing weight because it requires a lot of energy. Your body burns a large number of calories while running. The number of calories burned during a run is significantly more than with other types of exercise.

Bike Riding: Bike riding is good for those who are looking for an exercise that is gentle on the body. Riding to a friend's house or shop is a great way to incorporate regular exercise into your busy schedule.

It could be just what the doctor ordered for extra energy, increased metabolism, and the feel good endorphins your body produces after exercise. Want to feel good all day? A weight loss workout routine is the way to do it.

It is easier than you think to achieve these extra benefits, and the best part is, you can do it at home. With a few pieces of quality home gym equipment, like a treadmill or an elliptical exerciser, you could soon be seeing your muscles tone, your energy level boost, and your moods get much better.

If you like to jog or run, this is a good cardio workout and calorie burner. Warm up before you start, and jog or run for 15-20 minutes. This is a very effective weight loss workout routine. Carry a 2 or 3 lb dumbbell in each hand, and the caloric burn increases even more!

Pilates provides a great workout for those who prefer a calmer, less strenuous activity. The slow, methodic moves of pilates really burns fat, while sculpting a dancer's body. Pilates stretches the muscles and creates a long, lean look. Do an assortment of moves for 15-20 minutes 4 times per week, and you will see a big change.

Prior to a workout, warm-up exercises and stretching exercises are a must. The exercises must be performed very slowly and smoothly. It is better to start with relatively simpler exercises and then gradually move on to more difficult ones. Fifteen to twenty minutes should be devoted to cardiovascular exercises. A good exercise routine must include workouts for various muscles of the body. A lot of people choose walking, jogging or swimming as a form of physical exercise.

Sweat Cardio 3-4

This part continues the unfinished business in cardio 1-2. The workouts in this volume are more intense than the previous volumes. This will give you more sweat and this routine opens your door for the P90X. If you successfully finished this part, it means that you are now ready to face the extremes of the P90X. You would not have to worry about adjusting to the extreme system of the X.

These are the four basic workouts of the P90 fitness program. These are just simple, much simpler than the P90X, but it can still surely give you that satisfaction after 90 days of workout.

About the Author

Read about Herbal Remedies, Home Remedies and also read about Dark circles and Keloids

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